Part 4

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Jennifer couldn't stop the laughter that poured out of her mouth, but when Daniel rolled over her again and pushed his semi-erect length against her, she stopped abruptly.

"Anything," he repeated. "Tell me."

"Ok." Jennifer took a breath. Real men could handle toys. The few who had run off when they spied her collection — way back when it was not even half the size it was now - simply weren't real men.


"I really hope this doesn't freak you out."

"Anything," he whispered. He rubbed against her and Jennifer moaned.

"There's a box my wardrobe." She stared into his face, waiting to see his panic. His disgust. His disdain. His horror.

But there was none.

"And you didn't tell me about this before because...?"

"There are a lot of them," she blurted. "I think it might be intimidating."

Daniel tucked his pelvis to make firm contact with her again, making her keenly aware of the warmth of her pussy. She wanted to just take him in, to feel him riding her passionately all over again while she crossed her fingers and hoped for the best — but the truth was that she knew they'd need a hand at this point. Her brain was on overload, and thoughts of him using the toys to manipulate her were putting her right on the edge. She chewed her lip and Daniel shook his head.

"I'm not going to be intimidated. As long as I get to touch you, I'm not frightened by a few little toys."

She sighed. They weren't little, and there definitely weren't a few.

"Ok," she said. Her voice sounded meek in her ears. Would he really be okay with this? "Only if you're sure.
"Daniel dropped his lips to her chest and ran his tongue over her nipples. She shivered as they stiffened against his mouth, both of them raw from his earlier tweaks and kisses. When she gasped, he dragged his mouth over her collarbone before pulling back to grin. "Are you kidding? I said anything to make you come, beautiful." And then he was up by her wardrobe, poking around for the giant box of embarrassing things she'd been hiding from most of the men she'd had sex with in the last five years.

"Is this it?" He tugged the box out from behind her mountain of shoes, then dropped it on the carpet beside the bed. Rubbing his forehead, he settled his hands on his hips. "Um, wow. This is somewhat impressive."

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