~18~ Dinner Disater

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Guards flank us as we walk through the castle halls. Me and Diaval are on one side of Maleficent while Aurora is on the other. We walk past a shield with a bear engraving on it.

Diaval looks at it in wonder as we pass. "Have you ever considered turning me into a bear?" He asks. "I think I'd make quite an impressive one. Look at their claws. They're so strong."

"Why are we talking about bears?" Maleficent asks with an edge to her voice.

I give Diaval a reassuring smile as I take his hand and squeeze it.

We stop in front of two huge doors. The guards open them and Aurora enters first on her own before the doors close again.

"Presenting Queen Aurora of the Moors." I hear someone announce before sound is cut off by the doors.

After a few seconds the doors open again and we three walk into the huge dining room. "Presenting, Maleficent." The same woman announces as we enter.

"Maleficent, it's wonderful to see you again." Philip says. "This is my father, King John of Ulstead. And my mother, Queen Ingrith." Philip introduces.

"Welcome to our home." The queen smiles but something doesn't quite sit right with the way she smiles.

"It's so very kind of you to invite me this evening." Maleficent says.

"And, um, I would like to introduce you to Diaval and (y/n)." Aurora says.

I cursy as well as I can and put on a simple smile. A guard comes up behind me and takes my cloak. "Oh?"

"I trust you had no trouble finding the castle." The king says.

"Why would I have trouble?" Maleficent asks.

Another walks up to take Maleficent's coat but Diaval shoos him away. "He's making small talk. I'll explain it later." Diaval hands the coat over to a guard.

I smile. "No trouble at all your majesty."

"Your Majesties, ladies and gentlemen, dinner is served." The woman from before announces.

The queen smiles. "Please, make yourselves at home."

We each walk along the table as servants walk around setting everything up. I stop next to Diaval in front of a chair. Suddenly it's pushed into my legs and I quickly sit down. The servants place napkins in each of our laps and finally step back.

The queen is staring at Maleficent as she stretches out her wings.

The servants step forward again with covered silver trays of food. They lift the covers to reveal small cooked birds. Diaval looks uncomfortable as a bird is set on his plate in front of him. My mouth however waters and I feel kind of guilty.

Maleficent looks over at Diaval. "Bird. Delicious." She turns back to her plate and reaches for her fork only to pause.

"Is there a problem?" The queen asks.

"It's iron." I explain holding up my fork.

"Majesty, as you are sensitive to flowers, she is averse to iron." Aurora explains.

"I had no idea. Take it away at once." A servant steps forward and quickly removes the forks. "I trust you'll be comfortable using your hands?" The queen asks.

There's some small chat at the table while I look down and notice a cat pawing at Diaval. He tries to push it away but it doesn't want to go.

"We have a small gift for Philip and Aurora.... to celebrate their glorious future together." The king says.

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