~14~ Queen of the Moors

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I smile as the wall of thorns comes down. Diaval is by my side. My hair is pulled back into multiple braids. My toes dig into the fresh dirt.

I watch as Maleficent flies off to take down a different part of the wall

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I watch as Maleficent flies off to take down a different part of the wall. I take Diaval's hand and we walk through the moors as the sun shines. The place feeling like it was long ago.

Flowers bloom all around us covered with shimmering golden magic. Diaval picks one and places it in my hair.

"Thank you." I touch the flower in my hair, a fond smile on my lips. I lean in a give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

He stands there dumbfounded for a moment, a light blush adorning his cheeks.

I laugh and start walking towards where we were supposed to meet Maleficent and Aurora. "Come on Diaval. We don't want to be late."

Diaval blinks rapidly a few times before he smiles and follows after me.

We arrive at the spot where Maleficent made her throne all those years ago. But instead of the bare branches, a bunch of flowers decorate the seat.

I stand in between Diaval and Maleficent. I pick a twig from my dress and cast it aside. The dress is nice, I better thank Maleficent for it later.

Maleficent hands me her scepter as the three fairies fly over with a crown of golden leaves

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Maleficent hands me her scepter as the three fairies fly over with a crown of golden leaves.

"We present this crown for our little Aurora, for whom we've sacrificed the best years of our-"

Maleficent throws the fairies a look and they stop talking.

"Never mind." The fairy says , backing up.

I smile brightly as Aurora bows her head slightly and Maleficent raises the crown to place on her head.

"Our kingdoms have been unified." Maleficent says.

Aurora smiles brightly and faces all the moor folk.

"You have your queen!" Maleficent declares and everyone begins cheering.

Quietly me, Diaval, and Maleficent escape to a nearby cliff side while the folk crowd around Aurora and continue to cheer.

The tree guards bow before Aurora and the leader holds out his hand for her. She takes it and they nod to each other.

Down below I see Philip among the crowd. Him and Aurora share a smile.

We watch proudly from our perch before Maleficent speaks up.

"(Y/n), would you care to go for a fly?"

My eyes widen, "I- I've never done it before."

"I can help you." Diaval grabs my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

I nod, "alright. I'll try."

Maleficent smiles fondly at us before turning us into ravens. She dives off the cliff and soars away. I watch in fascinating as she climbs higher into the sky.

I look over at Diaval, whose intently staring at my new form. I stretch my wings and flap once. That seems to take him out of his daze.

After a few minutes of figuring out my wings I jump off the cliff without warning. Diaval caws in alarm but I'm fine I soar up and into the sky. Diaval chases after me.

I do a bunch of loops and dives, I never knew flying could feel so fun. We join Maleficent above the clouds and soar off into the sun set.

My heart beating fast, the wing blowing through my feathers and my soul feeling free.

This is the perfect life for me and I hope this happy feeling never fades.

Words- 573

End of part one
Part two in its way

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