~4~ Baby Aurora

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The sun is shining and birds chirp, the woods are pleasant.

My ears perk up at the sound of a child crying.

Ah the princess must be this way.

I continue in the direction of the cries, Maleficent sent us out to find where the king sent the princess, so here I am in the woods tracking a baby.

I spot it through the trees, a little hut in the middle of the woods. Sitting on a log on the outside of the house is the crying princess. Not a fairy in sight.

The king is really stupid for trusting his daughter with these dimwits.

Slowly I sneak up to the basket. Placing my front paws on the log, I peer over the edge of the basket at the child.

She stops crying and stares at me. I tilt my head and she mimics it. I lean down to sniff her and she puts a tiny hand on my nose. She coos happily while running her little fingers over the fur on my snout.

My ears perk up at the return of one of the fairies. Quickly I jump down and rush off to the shadows of the woods.

Silently I watch as the fairy in yellow comes out and picks up Aurora's basket.

"There you are! Why you always hiding?"

I roll my eyes. My gaze catches on a black bird watching from a nearby branch in a tree. I know it's Diaval, I can sense it almost.

I shake my head and turn away. I head deeper into the woods to find Maleficent and tell her where Aurora is.

~time skip~

Us three are sitting in the woods watching the house. Inside Aurora cries in hunger.

Those dimwitted fairies have no idea how to actually care for a human child. The king may as well signed the princesses death certificate sending her off with these three.

I huff and lay my head down and put my paws over my ears as the crying only gets louder.

"It's going to starve with those three looking after it." Maleficent grumbles, her too covering her ears from all the noise.

Eventually night falls and some how the fairies fall asleep. Maleficent has gone back to the Moors leaving me and Diaval to watch over the child.

I sniff along the ground at the smell of something familiar. Following the smell I stop in front of a milk flower.

I remember suckling some of these when my mother first died. Maybe this will help little Aurora too.

Carefully I pick one and bring it back to Diaval. Who takes it and flies over to the house.

I sigh in relief as the crying stops.

~time skip~

It's been a couple of weeks and every night me and Diaval find the flowers to feed Aurora.

Right now we're both human and we watch as Maleficent starts a storm inside the house.

She chuckles and I can hear the fairies yelling at each other inside. I shake my head a small amused smile on my face. Whereas Diaval just gives her a disapproving look.

"Oh come on that's funny." She says.

I chuckle lightly at her mood. "You could say that."

Diaval turns his disapproving gaze to me.

"Oh lighten up bird man." I say as I turn back to watch the storm rage in the house.

I can feel his lingering gaze on me but I don't acknowledge it.

Words- 577

Hope y'all enjoyed


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