~21~ Wedding at Last

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Diaval sits next to me as a tear slips down my cheek and lands on the ground. We sit silently until Diaval starts cawing at me. I look at him in confusion. He gestures to the sky. I look up to see Maleficent rising into the air in the form of a phoenix.

My jaw drops in awe before I hear screaming and see Aurora falling from the tower. I sprint over as Maleficent dives for her. I stop as the phoenix hits the ground and slides.

She gets up and Aurora stands unharmed. Philip runs to her and they embrace.

Me and Diaval look at each other before our attention is brought back to Maleficent who roars and all the fae bow. Me and Diaval bow as well. Before our eyes the Phoenix shifts back into Maleficent's fae form.

Me and Diaval turn into humans as well. I look down at myself before looking at him. Happy tears run down my face as I jump into his arms and hug him. Our lips connect and my heart feels light.

We head over to Maleficent and Aurora. Maleficent looks at us and smiles fondly. "I missed you two." She says.

"Did you hit your head, then?" Diaval asks.

Maleficent smiles, "I did."

Philip steps forward and smiles at Aurora.

"Philip? Do you love my daughter?" Maleficent asks.

"With everything I have." He responds and Aurora smiles brightly.

"Good." Maleficent says.

Pinto, a mushroom fairy, and a big pixie come running over. The pixie hands Maleficent the spindle. "I believe this belongs to you." He says.

Maleficent takes the spindle.

"Curses don't end, they're broken." The pixie says.

Maleficent throws up the spindle and breaks the curse.

"There will be no more fighting. Ulstead will never attack the Moors again. And from this day on... we move forward... and find our way... in peace. Together." Philip declares.

"Today, there will be a wedding. Not just a union of two people... but a union of two kingdoms. And all are invited... all are safe... and all are welcome." Aurora adds.

With her magic Maleficent makes an aisle and seats for all the guests, along with a beautiful arch decorated in white flowers. Me and Aurora stand under a beautiful tree like the one Philip proposed under.

Maleficent magics up a beautiful white dress for Aurora. I stand in awe.

"You look beautiful, Aurora." I say.

"Thank you." She smiles brightly.

Aurora peeks her head out of the curtain of leaves to see Maleficent talking with another fae. "Can you come here?" She asks.

Maleficent nods to the fae and joins us under the tree. "Yes?"

"Will you give me away?" Aurora asks.

"Never." Maleficent says.

Aurora smiles, "No. Will you walk me down the aisle?"

"Ah, yes." Maleficent smiles.

"I better get to my seat." I say as I back up.

"Wait, (Y/n). Your dress." Aurora says.

I look down at it to see it's ripped and dirty. "Oh. Sorry Aurora." I say.

"Here." Maleficent waves her hand and magic flows around me and before my eyes my dress fixes itself and cleans up.

"Wow." I smile brightly. "Thank you!" I wave to them as I rush out from under the tree and find Diaval by the front. I stand next to him.

"You look beautiful, darling." He says.

"As do you, pretty bird." I say.

We notice a goat walking through the crowd. "Is that...?" Philip asks us.

I know immediately that it's the queen and laugh.

"She can change her back." Diaval says.

"Only if we wanted to." The king says as he walks up behind Philip.

"Father." Philip says."I'm so glad to see you."

"I've dreamed of this moment. Two kingdoms united at last. And it's because of you. I'm so proud of you. So proud." The king hugs Philip.

I smile at the two as Philip walks back to his spot under the arch. Music starts and the vines part to reveal Aurora in a beautiful dress next to Maleficent. Everyone stands and watches as they walk down the aisle.

Half way down the dress changes to green. Then pink. Back to green. Pink. green. Pink. Finally it stops on blue. I shake my head softly at the fairies bickery. But the dress does look good in blue.

Maleficent and Aurora make it to the end of the aisle but Maleficent doesn't let go.

"Let her go." I whisper softly for Maleficent to hear.

She does and backs up to stand next to us.

"Pull yourself together." Maleficent says to Diaval who sniffs. Maleficent looks away as she wipes a tear away. Me and Diaval smile. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"We are here to join two kingdoms... divided by fear. Today, you teach us we are not defined by where we are from... but by whom we love. The bands, please." The priest says.

Pinto and the mushroom fairy hold up the rings.

Philip takes them and puts one on Aurora's finger while she puts one on his.

"Do you, Philip, take Aurora..."

"I do." Philip says.

"And do you, Aurora, take..."

"I do." Aurora smiles.

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

They kiss and the crowd goes wild with cheers and clapping.

I look across to see Maleficent smiling. "You're smiling." I say. She laughs and nods.

'Today is a good day.' I think as Diaval hugs me close to him.


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