05. Unknown Number

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After leaving the diner and dropping Alison off at her house, I made my way home

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After leaving the diner and dropping Alison off at her house, I made my way home. I was really hoping Christopher had left already. I try to talk to him but most of the time he just glares at me or completely ignores me.

I pull into the driveway and thankfully Christopher's car isn't there. I only see my Mom's Nissan Murano parked so that means Dad isn't here yet. Mom always gets home before my Dad. Since she owns her own flower shop, she gets to leave early but nonetheless she still enjoys going into work. Dad is a doctor at the hospital in town so most of the time he gets home really late.

Once I park my car, I get out and start making my way to the front door. I unlock the door and walk in to see my Mom sitting on the couch watching "Keeping Up With The Kardashians."

"Hi Mom," I say walking up to her.

"Hey mija, how was school," she gives me a nice warm hug. Once we pull apart from the hug I take a seat next to her.

"It was okay. Alison finally talked to Alejandro and then after school we went to the diner to eat,"

"Well that's great! Did you meet any new people?" she questions and I'm debating if I should tell her about Mateo. My Mom is also my best friend, we have a strong relationship and I'm happy to say I love hanging out with her.

"I did meet this one boy. His name is Mateo and he's nice," once I say this her face lights up.

"Ooo tell me more! Is he good looking? Tall? Does he play any sports? How old is he?" she keeps throwing questions at me that I don't even know the answer to.

"Mom, I just met him today! I don't know most of the things. But he is attractive and about six foot," I say while she's looking at me with a smirk.

"Well, maybe it's time to get out there Vero. You never know what could happen," I look at her with wide eyes as she finishes talking.

"Okay Mother. Well this was a lovely conversation, but now I will be going upstairs to my room. Goodbye," I get up and start walking to the stairs that led up to my room.

"Okay honey, I'll call you down for dinner in a few hours," she calls out as I'm at the top of the steps.

I walk into my room and throw my backpack on the floor and jump onto my bed face down. I am beyond tired and I hardly did anything today. What a day it has been. A very unexpected start to senior year honestly. I'm not complaining, who knows maybe Mateo wanting to be friends isn't such a bad idea.

It's crazy to think that someone like him wants to be friends. For the past three years I have had him for a couple classes and he never talked to me and now he wants to be friends.

I get up and walk to my closet and pull out a basic t-shirt along with some comfortable shorts. I go to the restroom and change and when I'm done I walk back into my room and sit on the bed.

Since there wasn't any homework assigned, I got on my phone and scrolled through Instagram for a little. When I got tired from being on my phone, I set the phone on the nightstand next to my bed and picked up the control to my TV and turned on Grey's Anatomy.

As I'm watching Grey's my mind starts to wonder about what I'm going to do once I graduate. I don't know why I'm so scared of entering the big world. I know my parents are still going to support me on whatever I decide to do, but I'm still going to feel alone. I know you only live once but I am terrified for my future.

How are we supposed to know what will happen? What if Alison stops talking to me once we graduate? What if I never make up with Christopher and we stay on bad terms?

I'm overthinking this too much. Maybe the world isn't so bad after all. I mean when Alison and I go out, we have a good time. We've gone bowling, to the movies, mini-golfing and it always feels nice to get out once in a while.

What if that's how it is in the big world? I get to have my freedom and travel to places I've never been before. But the thought of doing it alone scares. I always thought Christopher would be by my side till the day I'm buried six feet under. Now it's looking like it's not going to happen.

I turn my attention back to the TV and cozy up under my white comforter.

Thirty minutes later, my phone vibrates and my attention turns away from the TV. I grab my phone to see who texted me but all I see is a random number.

Unknown: Is this Veronica?

I wonder who it is? I want to text Alison to see if she knows this number but sometimes Alison doesn't answer till later. I guess I'll have to figure out myself.

Uh yeah. Who is this?


This is Mateo :)

What. The. Hell! How did he get my number? Well he must really want to be friends then if he got my number. While I'm freaking out I type his name into the contact.

Oh. Hi. If you don't mind me asking, how did you get my number?


Mateo: One never reveals their secrets. Right?

So much for asking.

Okay lol. Well this is unexpected, I don't even know what to say.


Mateo: Lol, I thought it would be a good idea to have your number since we agreed to be friends.

I don't know how to reply to that. So I do what anybody else would do. I left him on delivered. I know it sounds harsh, but what am I supposed to say. This is so random definitely going to facetime Alison later to tell her what's going on.

My Mom calls me down for dinner, so I leave my phone on my bed and head down to the kitchen to eat.

While walking down the stairs I'm trying to piece together how he would get my number. Who knows I shouldn't even worry about it since he already has it.

Possibly this is a sign that we will be good friends.

Possibly this is a sign that we will be good friends

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