32. Gifts Of Love

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"Okay stand up right there by the TV, put your hands on your hips, and pout your lips," I tell Mateo with a demanding tone while pointing at the spot by the TV

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"Okay stand up right there by the TV, put your hands on your hips, and pout your lips," I tell Mateo with a demanding tone while pointing at the spot by the TV. It's Christmas Eve and Mateo is spending it with us tonight. Tomorrow morning I'm going over to his house. We made it work since Mariana falls asleep early, she opens presents on Christmas morning, but my family opens presents on Christmas Eve.

Since it's barely nine at night, I told Mateo to let me take pictures of him. He's always taking pictures of me so it's mine to take some of him.

"V you really want me to pose like this?" He asks, showing me the pose I told him. A laugh erupts out of me and I lay back on the bed. Mateo jumps onto the bed and him being him, he has the audacity to jump on me. He nuzzles his face against my neck while I try pushing him off.

"MATEO YOU'RE HEAVY!" I yell at him and all I hear is a muffled laugh. I continue trying to push him off but it is no use. He's not light as a feather. My attempt to push him off stops once I feel his soft lips peck my neck multiple times.

The action relaxes me and I move my hands up to his dark hair. He kisses lightly from my neck to my jaw, my eyes are closed as I feel his lips on my skin. His lips move up slowly to my lips and once they are there, we share a loving kiss. My hands cup his face and pull him back gently. His eyes open and I see the dark eyes I fell in love with.

"I didn't forget about the picture I was gonna take," I say and bop his nose.

"But I wanted to take pictures of you today," he mutters.

"You always take pictures of me or of us together. I hardly take pictures of you. I mean I do take pictures of you but it's the funny pictures or the off guard ones." I love the pictures I have, but just like he has nice pictures of me. I want some of him. Not saying the ones I have aren't nice, they are very nice. I mean he's very very handsome.

"Okay fine but after we can take some together," he begins to move off of me and I sit up once he's standing. I pick up his camera from the bed and follow the steps he taught me. He was very detailed on the steps, telling me that I'll be able to take the perfect picture in no time.

"Stand by the window and smile, baby girl," Mateo huffs loudly and makes his way towards the window. Once he's there he fixes his shirt and hair. He's so handsome, I feel like I don't tell him that a lot. He's always telling me I'm beautiful and pretty, but I hardly compliment him.

"Show me the smile I love the most," I bring the camera to my face. Closing one eye, I use the other to look at him through the lens.

"You know you're very handsome," a genuine smile grows onto his face and he doesn't even notice. I take this opportunity and take a picture. A smile grows on my own face as I bring the camera down and stare at him.

He gets shy at times. Like right now, his cheeks are turning a rosy pink color, he's rubbing the back of his neck, and he's looking down at his feet. I look away from him and look at the picture. The smile on my face extends even better as I see the picture. He's standing by night stand, with his arms behind his back. His dark hair is fixed nicely since we had dinner earlier. His eyes closed slightly as his smile was huge due to the honest compliment I gave him. He's just so handsome.

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