07. He's Outside

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Waking up on Saturday is the best

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Waking up on Saturday is the best. I get to sleep in, not worry about school, and most of the time I don't have to go out because Alison comes over or I go to her house.

As I rub my eyes with the back of my hand, I grab my phone off my night stand and look at the time. I read that it says 1:27 in the afternoon. This week was really tiring since teachers started passing out more work.

I click on my messages to see that I have multiple from Alison.

Ali: GOOD MORNING! Are you excited for today!

I read the message in confusion and continue reading the others.

Ali: Veronica. In the most polite way I will try to say this. Today is NOT the day to SLEEP IN!

Oh gosh. What did I forget? I click on her messages because I clearly don't remember what today is. Was today our bestie trip to the thrift store? No, it can't be she would've already been pounding on my door so I can wake up.

I sent her a quick message letting her know I am awake and I did not forget about today.


Ali: Good! I was about to go wake you up myself.

I rolled my eyes at the message and continued reading other messages and my eyes widened as I read a message from Mateo.

Mateo: Good Morning :) I just wanted to let you know again that I will be picking you at 5 today. Also can you send me your address? You never sent it the other day lol.

THAT'S WHAT TODAY WAS! Oh gosh how could I forget. I type a quick reply so he doesn't think I'm going to bail on him.

Hey, sorry I slept in lol. You know school was very tiring this week haha.

I literally don't know how I forgot. Maybe I should stop blaming my tiredness on school and blame it on myself. Last night I decided to stay up and watch all episodes of season two of Grey's Anatomy. It was worth it though to say the least.


Mateo: No worries, I understand.

Well good to know he doesn't sound upset over text.

I send him my address and put my phone back down on my night stand and just look up at my ceiling. Freshman me would never believe me if I told her I was going to hangout with Mateo. Maybe I should get out and have breakfast. I get up from my very comfortable bed and make my way downstairs.

As I'm walking down the stairs I hear Mom talking to someone. I wonder who it is. What if it's Christopher. When I'm on the last steps I stop for a minute not knowing if I should risk being seen. I stop overthinking when I hear the deep voice that belongs to my Dad.

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