42. Always

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My alarm goes off and wakes me up immediately

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My alarm goes off and wakes me up immediately. Today is the day I have been planning for two weeks. Valentine's day. Now that we're back from New York, time has surely been flying fast.

The rest of our New York trip was spent walking through time square and enjoying each other's company. It was such an amazing experience, I would love to go back some day.

The New York trip was in January and now we're in February. Being completely honest, I used to hate February. The whole month was just about love and I hated it. Watching couples in the hallways hugging and kissing was gross to me.

But now that I'm in a relationship, it isn't bad at all. He does so much for me so I want to do something for him.

I'm proud to say that I came up with a surprise I think he'll love. I'm also glad that Valentine's day landed on a Saturday this year, because we're going to be out most of today.

I grab my phone off the nightstand and begin to type a message to Mateo.

Good morning :) I hope you are excited for today. I'll pick you up at 11. I love you<3

A small laugh tumbles out of my lips as I read the message one more time. My eyes move to the top of the screen and read the time. 10:20am. I have enough time to take a quick shower, do my make up, and go to the store quickly.

Moving the covers off of me, I stand up from the bed and gather my clothes. I have never woken up this excited about something before. It's like whenever there was a field trip in elementary school, the night before I could never sleep. That's how I feel right now.

I walk into the bathroom, turn on the shower and begin to take off my clothes. I do the same routine as always, just a bit faster. Once I'm out, I dry my body and change into my clothes. I put on some blue jeans, a light pink long sleeve, and my white Nikes with matching light pink socks. Might as well wear pink since it's Valentine's.

My phone rings and I walk towards the night stand. I look at the message and smile.

Good morning V, I'll be ready by 11. I love you<3

My eyes widen when I see the time. 10:40am. I wanted to leave the house by this time. I guess my "quick" shower wasn't really that quick. Well, I'm sure Mateo won't mind if I run a bit late. Throwing my dirty clothes in the laundry basket, I take a seat at my vanity and begin my make up. Luckily, I'm only doing my eyebrows today so it'll only be like ten minutes.

After doing my eyebrows and adding some mascara, I stand up from the chair and take out the towel in my hair. I grab the hair cream my Mom gave me and begin to scrunch it into my hair. When it dries it'll come out wavy and with volume, plus Mateo said he likes it when my hair is like this. I mean I'm not doing it for him, obviously I like my hair also, but... ahh never mind.

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