09. Conversations At The Diner

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It's been 10 minutes into the game and I have not found Mateo anywhere

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It's been 10 minutes into the game and I have not found Mateo anywhere. Literally I feel like I have searched the whole place already and I can't find him. I haven't been running and I am tired already.

I stop to just stand and look around me. Something doesn't feel right, I'm not sure what it is but I know for a fact it has something to with Mateo. As I'm still looking around me I'm broken out of my trance as my vest makes a noise and starts flashing colors. I turn around to see Mateo staring at me with a smirk. I knew something was going to happen.

Well two can play at that game.

I look at him with no facial expression and close my eyes.

"Veronica?" he questions with a concerning tone. I got him right where I want him.

I put my head down and hear his footsteps start to get closer to me. But right when he's about to stop in front of me I look up at him quickly and point my gun towards his chest and just like that his vest makes a noise and starts flashing colors.

He looks at me in shock, while I have a big smirk plastered onto my face.

"Oh it's on," once he says that my smirk wipes off and I turn around to start running forgetting all about the rules.

15 minutes later Mateo and I are side by side walking back towards the station where we got our vest. I hate to admit it, but I had a lot of fun. I'm glad I came with him after all.

"I thought you would have gone to hide behind a wall," Mateo teased as I was taking off the vest.

"Well you thought wrong young one, I got you plenty of times," I say proudly.

"Young one? I'm eighteen, how old are you?" he said as we started walking out to the exit.

"I'm 17, but back there you were sure acting like a little kid," I chuckled.

"Oh don't act like you weren't back there laughing and running away from me," he remarked as he opened the door for me.

We laughed at his comment and started talking about how good the game was. He unlocked the doors to his truck and we hopped in. He started the engine and reversed out of the parking space.

"So I was thinking we should go to Steph's to grab something to eat. Is that cool?" he glances at me as I nod my head yes and proceed to connect my phone to the blue tooth.

The whole way to Steph's we spend singing to songs and having small conversations. It wasn't weird at all, it was actually nice spending time with him. I'm surprised I got comfortable with him this quickly. Usually it takes me a couple weeks to finally act normal around someone.

He pulls up to the diner and we quickly get off the truck and start walking into the place we both know very well. When we walk in I spot Valencia quickly and I wave at her. She waves back and I start to lead Mateo to a booth.

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