C H A P T E R 19

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"Who found the book?!" Y/n rushed down the stairs, frantically looking for the perpetrator. Toby and Nightmare looked at Y/n confused, so that could only mean...

"That would be me!" Hoodie came out the dining room, leaning on the doorframe. Damn, he looked stupidly smug.

"Ok it isn't what it looks like, at all."


"Wait wait, I'm confused? What book?" Nightmare asked, sitting criss-cross on the floor. Y/n turned her head to the other girl, opening her mouth to say something. Nothing came out though, and instead the singer grabbed Hoodie's arm and dragged him up the stairs. The other two heard the bedroom door close, and they looked at each other.

"They definitely like each other in some way."

"O-oh definitely.


"I do not, and repeat, NOT, want to murder anyone in that book."

"The book says otherwise." Y/n punched his arm lightly, scoffing.

"I just write in it when I'm angry at people. People who piss me off at the moment." Hoodie quirked a brow, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Which is exactly why my name isn't in there?" Y/n's eyes widened. Hoodie smirked, he won.

"I don't know about you, but I'd be pretty fucking angry at the person who is going to kill me. " He walked away from where they were standing, and picked up the book. Y/n looked as he did so, anxiety filling her. The book was beaten up badly, but what'd she expect? The book was in use for over 4 years.

Every name in that book had done something bad to her. From berating her to physically and sexually assaulting her. Besides singing, that was one of her only ways to destress. To release anger. But now that Hoodie found it, she regretted ever having it.

Actually, now that Y/n thought about it, she'd rather Hoodie find it then anyone else. He was a killer, so he'd understand somewhat about the want. And who was he going to tell, the cops? A therapist?

"So what I have a book full of people i have negative feelings? You're one to talk about me having violent tendencies!"

"When have I ever said it was a bad thing?" Before she knew it, Hoodie stood in front of her, his tall, muscular frame looming over her. His eyes were rested, looking at Y/n's. He seemed bored, when in reality he was carefully examining her. She looked scared, but was fine with the way he was standing so close to her. The way he stared at her gave Y/n a sense of comfort, one she hadn't felt in a long time.

"You're quite pretty, you know that?" He caressed her face, his thumb flicking her bottom lip. Y/n let out a deep sigh, her hot breath coming onto his thumb. He left his hand on her face for some time, and Y/n, acting on impulse, went to grab the collar of his shirt to bring him down to her level.


They both looked at Y/n's pocket, frozen in the position they were in. Her phone was ringing. Someone called her. During a very, very, critical point in their lives.

Y/n retracted her hand away from Hoodie, and picked up her phone. It was Nathaniel. Fucking ass.

"H-hello?" Y/n stuttered out, surprised at how Hoodie had yet to move away from her.

"Hey Y/n, it's me, Nathaniel."

"Hey Nathaniel. Er...why did you call?" She moved away from the taller male, and to another corner of the room. The girl rested the phone in between her head and shoulder, picking the book up and then walking into her walk-in closet. She needed to put the thing in a much more discreet location.

"I need you to come in early tomorrow because we need to start doing costume design."

Y/n smiled happily. Costume design was her favorite part of getting ready for tour.

"Yeah, uh, exactly what time?" She exited out the closet, finding Hoodie laid on the bed. He was playing with his hair, mind wandered off to who knows where.

"10:00 works for me."

"Right, I'll see you then." Y/n hung the phone up, tossing it onto the bed next to Hoodie. He didn't say anything, so Y/n got on the bed next to him, sitting criss-cross. They sat in a comfortable silence.

"Do you smoke?" Hoodie asked randomly. Y/n turned her head to him, confused.

"I'm sorry, did I not come home high to you when we first met?" Hoodie snorted, averting his eyes towards Y/n. She had a small smile on her face, her fingers mindlessly playing with the case of her phone.

"Well yeah but you said that you were offered them." Y/n rolled her eyes and stretched her legs out, letting her feet dangle off the bed.

"Sometimes. I'm not addicted or anything, but yeah, sometimes. I hide it from people, though. People love to make smoking jokes." Hoodie took something out of his pocket, which Y/n knew what it was immediately.

"Do you have a lighter?" Y/n nodded and got up to look in her dresser drawers, though couldn't find it.

"I'll be back." Hoodie hummed and Y/n went downstairs to go find her favorite lighter.

Going downstairs, Y/n noticed that Toby and Nightmare were sitting on the couch. Toby was asleep and Nightmare awake. Toby rested his feet on her lap, and the ghost was on her phone.


"Hey!" Nightmare looked up from her phone to look at Y/n.


"So?" Y/n asked back, and the other girl only scoffed.

"What happened?"

"Nothing...we just talked." Y/n said, ignoring the fact they had, in fact, almost kissed. Nightmare sighed and leaned back.

"It's getting late, don't you guys need to get home?" Nightmares eyes widened at what Y/n said, and she immediately pushed Toby's feet off of her lap, getting ready to go back home. Because, the truth was, if Masky realized all three of them were gone at the same time he would, in fact get more suspicious. And that would be the last thing they'd need right about now.

Y/n shrugged and went into the kitchen, grabbed her lighter, and then went back up stairs. The lighter was completely black, but had the outline of a flame on the front that was f/c. It had a nice soft touch to it also.

"Here." Y/n tossed Brian the lighter and he caught it with one hand. He balanced a cigarette between his lips, lighting it and taking a deep inhale and then puffing out the smoke. Y/n opened up a window to make sure the house wouldn't smell of smoke. The male extended a hand out to Y/n, basically asking her if she wanted to take a drag. She accepted, doing the same as him. Though, different to Hoodie, she blew out a smoke ring, then passed it back to Hoodie. She laid down next to him, though in the opposite direction.

"Hey Hoodie?"


"What's your name?" Hoodie moved his gaze to Y/n, then smiled as he took a drag, passing it back to her.

"Brian, Brian Thomas."

. . .

You wish that was you huh? Unedited


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