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Y/n whipped her head to the direction of the voice, gripping her bat harshly.

"Fucking geez, calm your shit. I'm not allowed to hurt you." He said, disappointment laced in his voice. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"You needed permission? What are you, a child?" She teased, just slightly letting her guard down. Masky's eye twitch and he turned away from her and into the kitchen.

"Fuck off, the only reason I'm not is because Hoodie called dibs on you." Y/n sighed and put the cup down, running her thumb on the base of the bat.

'Ah yes, I'm now an object to be claimed.'

Y/n was about to open her mouth to shoot an insult at him when she thought she saw something outside. Her head quickly snapped to the glass, examining the place carefully.

"What?" Masky asked, opening a can of monster energy drink. It was quite amusing, she could be considered as someone who was catering for serial killers.

"Nothing, I thought I saw something outside." Masky hummed, taking a loud sip from the can just to spite Y/n.

"Can you not-"

Ding Dong!

The female quirked her eyebrow. Who the hell was here to visit her so early in the morning?

"You should go upstairs. And please, for the sake of my health, don't come downstairs unless I say so." Masky rolled his eyes and went up the stairs, the other two following in pursuit.

Y/n sighed and fixed her hair. Who ever was outside was probably just a neighbor.

Turning the knob, the girl opened the door, looking to see who it was outside. She saw a tuff of Blonde hair, and immediately slammed the door shut, locking it and running up the kitchen to grab her baseball bat. When done so she trudged up the stairs, going into her room. She didn't bother aknowleging the looks the murderers were giving her, and quickly locked the window.

"Wow, are you getting kidnapped or some shuh-shit?" Toby joked.

"Nope, the IRS is here to take me because I didnt pay taxes." She responded back, jokingly. It was probably best if they didn't know about Oliver. That stupid mother fucker would get himself killed, and Y/n didnt want the blood in her hands.

"Wait are you suh-serious?" Y/n shook her head no, grabbing her phone. Toby was sort of like her, they both didn't understand social cues at all.

Looking at the screen, the female saw two messages.

Ugly Dude W an Obsession
Y/n sweetie, I'm outside
Let me in.

Y/n 👑
Ew no.
Leave me alone, you'll get yourself hurt if you get any closer

Ugly Dude W an Obsession
I'll take my chances.
And besides, I'm already coming inside.

Y/n quirked a brow, before hearing a loud crash. Everyone in the room turned their head to the direction of the sound, all wide eyed. Masky gripped his gun harshly.

"What the fuck-" Y/n ran out the room with her bat, shutting the door quietly behind her. There wasn't really time for her to waste.

Climbing down the stairs, Y/n went into the kitchen. She had to time everything perfectly for things to be fine.

"Oh come on Y/n, you can't hi-" Y/n kicked the back of Oliver's leg, making him fall to the ground next to her.

"Oh Y/n, my sweet-"

"Cut the shit asshole. What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm just seeing my dear old girlfriend. Is that-"

PRETTY VOICE | HOODIEWhere stories live. Discover now