C H A P T E R 8

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"I now announce Mr.Finn guilty. He will be sentenced to 10 years in jail."

The 15 year old girl stood up from her seat, a happy look on her face. Her mother would no longer be living with that hell of a man. He would be in prison, being punished the way he should be. No more suffering.

"Mom look we-" Y/n stopped abruptly and smirked. She was talking to a man about something far past law. Seeing her mom fall inlove and be happy made Y/n feel even happier. She could finally live a happy life. Like a normal teenager.






Y/n woke up with a pounding headache the next morning. No one was home that day, and the events of last night were a bit blurry. She spotted a note on her nightstand and picked it up.

To Y/n:
You got high last night because you accidentally took drugs from a drug dealer. You should take a shower because you didn't change when you came back. I'm coming back to take you killing. There's also a huge mess on your kitchen floor because you decided to eat (Favorite food) with your hands like some rat.

-Mystery Man

P.S. My name is Hoodie. =(

Y/n's eyes widened as she panicked.

"Holy shit I got drunk and a serial killer had to take care of me! What if he did the nasties? EW MY NON EXISTENT PURITY!" She yelled running around the room. Her mind started to recount the events of the previous night. Getting back, calling him mystery man, going downstairs.

"It's been two weeks and I'm getting comfortable with him? That's stupid." She mumbled, stripping her clothes off once closing and locking the door to the bathroom. She turned the water on and waited for it to turn hot, then entered the shower.


"They'll bust your kneecaps-dude you're already here?!" She groaned, rolling on the floor. Hoodie only watched, a small smile crept to his masked face.

"You have a thing for rolling on the floor, don't you?"

"I guess you could say that. As a kid I loved pigs and how cute they were, so I started to imitate behaviors a pig would do. Overtime though, it's become a habit." She shrugged as she got up, dusting her pants off.

"That's a weird habit."

"Yeah. I wish I could have a baby pig but I guess I never found the time." A sad tone was hinted in her voice as she brushed her (Hair length), h/c hair.

"Your what, 18? You have years left of your life. I'm pretty sure you could get one by the time your 25." Y/n turned to look at him, a serious look on her face.

"I've already come to the terms that you'll kill me by the end of this year." There was no hidden meaning in the sentence. No fear, only just a sentence. A chill ran up his spine, yet he didn't shiver. The silence was cut short when Y/n's phone went off.

"Why are you here early? Your roommates are being annoying?"

"They're always annoying. I just, had to be away from them."

"Oh. It must be annoying having to deal with people. I'm glad I grew up an only child, though it sucks being famous because I have a bunch of celebrity friends and I like being alone usually." She said back. Y/n had a thing for accidentally talking about herself during conversation because of all the interviews she's done.

"Hey does any of your roommates know about me?" He scoffed and set down his knife on the bed.

"As if I'd let them know of you. Maybe one of them, but holy shit if they learned I knew you." He finished. Y/n quirked a brow.

"One of them you say?" She mumbled as she texted back a friend of hers. They were doing a 'My Friends Pick My Make Up Look' And Y/n got to pick the shade of lipstick.

"Hey, do you want to do something? I have a/an (concole of choice), if you wanna play." Hoodie furrowed his brows. Why was she acting so calm and rational?

"You play video games?"

"Not really, no. When my ex was still my boyfriend, which was like two-three weeks ago, he played a lot. But then I broke up with him, so yeah." Finishing her explanation, she turned her head to the window. There was a dog on her balcony.

"Arrow!" Y/n smiled and ran to open the door, letting the dog in. And if Hoodie thought she wasn't already full of surprises, here came another.

"Is that your dog? I thought you didn't have time for pets?" The yellow hooded man inquired

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"Is that your dog? I thought you didn't have time for pets?" The yellow hooded man inquired. She looked at him and gave a soft laugh.

"Your right, I don't have time for pets. But Arrow is a wild dog that I met about a year ago. He comes up to my balcony every now and then. Want to pet him?"

"I'm fine-" Arrow soon jumped onto the bed and sniffed Hoodie's hand, interrupting his sentence. Seeing the dog she silently claimed her own become comfortable with someone else, a serial killer no less, made her feel the need to trust this guy even more.

"Shit. The dog could have fucking rabies-"

"Arrow does not have rabies."


"I've been with him for a year now and I'm perfectly healthy. I promise he doesn't have rabies." She promised, getting up from the floor and onto the bed next to him. Arrow laid his head on her lap and Y/n pet him continuously.

"I'll hold you accountable for that."

"Yeah yeah whatever. Which wall painting do you like?"

"Why the fuck would you need me to pick?"

"See that wall? The only one that's blank? Yeah I want to get someone to paint something on it. It's a lot harder than I expected it to be, though. Apparently the design I want is way too complicated, and if they do want to do it we can never get to a compromise on the price. Maybe it's because I'm famous..." She trailed off. Hoodie gave a bewildered look under his mask.

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad-"

"Some guy tried getting 100,000 out of me." The boy smirked only nodded. Awkward silence filled the room, Hoodie contemplating saying what was on his mind.

'I could get into so much trouble for doing this.'

"I know someone who can do it for you."

. . .

I am so sorry for not updating in so long. <3



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