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Y/n slammed their hand over their alarm, turning it off in the process. Their head was slightly dizzy from what had happened while they were sleeping.


Y/n's surroundings had all felt, or rather seemed, so fuzzy upon seeing the faceless figure in front of them.  It was like a fever dream, except they knew it was real.

"Now Y/n, it's been long overdue that we've come face to face with each other. But I suppose it's far too late to complain about it, having that you have quite the big day tomorrow. Anyways, I'm sure you're very familiar with the name 'Zalgo', Correct?"

Y/n nodded, not surprised that he'd know that they'd know. In all honesty, they were quite tired of the recurring question.

"Apologies for the question... I just appeal towards clarification. "

Y/n quickly picked up on the Entity's way of speech, slightly fascinated that something that could be, or rather is, denied by society has such a proper way of talking.

"Anyways, I'm sure you know what Zalgo is planning to do, he is one of the more straight up beings on this planet. Now usually I wouldn't care so much, but one of my proxies, Brian, has taken quite the liking towards you. Now I don't feel humane feelings, but I think this is what they call love, if I'm not mistaken."

Y/n felt the small urge to smile at the mention of Brian.

"I'm sure you reciprocate these feelings towards him, which I do have my own say in it, but that's not what I'm here for. And I do sense from you that you feel the need to pick a side constantly. But let me make the decision easier for you."

In all honesty Y/n wasn't sure if they were supposed to be relieved or scared, but that didn't stop them from feeling a weight being lifted off of them. After that one night Y/n and Zalgo hung out, it felt like he was a genuine person with genuine feelings. But then again, it could've been him manipulating them into feeling that way.

"If you don't join our side, I'll take your voice away."

Y/n felt a pang hit their chest and a lump starting to form in their throat at the hearing of those words, panic instantly filled them.

"Now now, don't be afraid Y/n, I'm sure you wouldn't have picked Zalgo anyways. It would be irrational. All of your friends work for me, so why would you want to work for the opposing team anyways. Along with that, Zalgo stands highly for the destruction of the world, as I want to keep the world as it is."

Y/n calmed themselves as much as they could, nodding slightly.

"I'll give you some time to think about it. I'll be back in 24 hours. Sleep well, young one."


Y/n quickly grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a baggy T-shirt, then went into the bathroom to wash the feeling of must off them.

After getting out of the bathroom they grabbed their phone and headed downstairs, taking the bag they prepared last week for the tour bus. They then texted Brian a quick 'good morning' and asked how far away he was from them, to which he replied 'less than five minutes.'

Y/n had come to realize that it was probably unhealthy for them to be this alone with their thoughts, knowing they'd just play what happened in their sleep repeatedly. The idea of losing their voice, one of Y/n's best abilities, made them want to slam their head onto a table covered with nails and Legos.


Y/n quickly got up at the sound of the door, opening it to see Brian and Tim.

"You ok princesa? You look distressed." Brian asked, worry lacing his tongue. Masky only scoffed and rolled his eyes. He never liked seeing happy people or acting happy, but Y/n always dismissed it as him not having anything to be happy about.

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