C H A P T E R 26

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"You know we can be by ourselves." Brian said, looking at Y/n Do her makeup on the mirror. She scoffed and made eye contact with him through the mirror.

"And what if someone breaks in? Or you guys set the house on fire?"

"What is the probability someone does break in?" Hoodie asked.

"High! It's been high since you broke in!" She exclaimed, a slight laugh in her voice. Hoodie rolled his eyes and huffed, watching Y/n do her makeup. She was good at it, that was surprising.

"And I'm pretty sure Toby is still upset he didn't get to hurt Oliver. Poor dude."

"Oh he'll be fine, are you ok though?"

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" She asked, closing her lipstick. Hoodie humked and sat up, looking at the guitar in the corner of her room. It was white with a bunch of (f/c) flowers printed along the sides. The strap matched the color of the flowers.

"Hey, do you mind if I borrow your guitar for a second?" He asked. Y/n nodded and hoodie hot up to get it, sitting back down on the bed with it on his lap.

"You know how to play?" She asked, spinning in her chair to face him. Brian shook his head no, and the girl laughed a but. She opened her drawer and took out a guitar pick, then sat next to him, a playful smile on her face.

"Can I teach you a few notes?" She asked excitedly. Hoodie, for just a second, felt his heart sink. He smiled back at her.

"Uh yeah, su-sure." He answered, cursing himself for stuttering. She clapped and clasped her hand on top of his, guiding one hand to the neck of it and the other to the strings on the base.

"So my guitar is already tuned, but if you did get a new guitar you'd have to tune it." She said, resting her chin on his shoulder. He hummed and Y/n handed him the pick.

"So these are frets. They change the noise the guitar makes depending what fret you're playing on. Don't play directly on the fret though." She moved his hand a bit up from the second fret. Y/n then scooted her body closer to his to hold his hand better. He smiled, averting his gaze toward her.


"If I didn't know any better I'd think you actually liked me mommy." The girl blushed and smiled, biting her bottom lip.

"You're such a prick." She laughed out, moving his fingers to create a note.

"This is an a note, it's one of the more easier to play. Your fingers might not be calloused- actually nevermind you're a serial killer."

"No wait tell me what you were going to say."

"I was just going to say that since you've never played guitar you're hands will probably not be used to it because they aren't calloused. But then I realized that you're a serial killer so you're hands are probably really calloused anyways."

"Hm, I'm not so sure, would you like to see for yourself?" Y/n looked at him confusing before realizing what he was implying. Brian snickered at Y/n's flustered face, taking amusement in the situation.

"Ok so use the pick to strum, make sure your fingers aren't on gripping the strings too hard, or else music won't play." He strummed lightly and a tune came out and they both smiled, Y/n letting his hand go of her grip but still placing it on top of his. She moved her head to face him, looking at his hazel eyes intently. He stared right back at her e/c eyes.

'his eyes make me want to melt on the spot. He makes me feel all warm and sweet like...honey.'

An idea popped in her head and the glint in her eye changed, losing the calm nature it once had.

"You good?" He inquired, losing his flirty tone from before. The girl nodded her head and got up from her spot and opened up her closet, pulling out a small yet messy f/c journal. On the cover was a bunch of sticky notes that said unintelligible things.

Y/n opened it up to a fresh page and started writing down something, and Hoodie got curious.

"What's that?"

"Oh you know...just a song journal. To keep all my thoughts and write down lyrics and shit."

"Oh? Do I remind you of poetic things?" The h/c haired girl looked up to his smirking face and rolled her eyes.

"Yes, you in fact do. Don't take that to heart though." He hummed and got up to stretch, his joints popping at each he tugged at.

"We should probably go now, I don't want to drive you crazy with those idiots."

"Oh they aren't that bad."

"Mommy, I deal with them everyday, you don't have to lie." Y/n chuckled a bit and closed the journal, putting it back into the closet.

They both walked out the room and into the living room. The other three proxies looked between them, expecting something.

"Can you guys quit it, and no." They all laughed, and Y/n looked confused, but shrugged it off.

"Uhh, you guys ready to go?"


Y/n put on her mask and unlocked the doors, letting them all out.

"I really feel like I made a terrible idea." She mumbled to herself, watching as Toby ran into the grocery store.

"That's because you did. You don't know Toby that well, you don't know what he's capable of." Masky said, walking in with her.

"You're just trying to scare me, he can't be that bad." He chuckled darkly and rested his arms behind his head.

"Suit yourself, feisty."

Y/n's eye twitched at the name, but decided to brush it off. He was probably just trying to get to her head. And besides, Toby couldn't be that bad, right?


. . .
People who read this book > everyone else

Also wtf 12k reads?! Y'all are amazing!!

Stay safe and healthy!! Unedited


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