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"I got the part! I got the fucking part! I'm going to Hollywood baby." I wrapped my hands around Archer's neck and my legs around his torso. I was bursting happiness everywhere because I just landed the role that could make or break my entire career. I was going to be the best actress this world has ever seen.

Let me not jinx it. But you get it, right?

"I'm so proud of you baby. I told you. This is amazing." He said against my neck. He pulled back and kissed me. "I don't even know if I want to kiss you until you can't breathe or if I want you to tell me every single detail."

"How about both. But the kissing first please."

"Deal." Oh his kisses were addicting. His lips were my favorite thing.

We had the most beautiful form of teenage love. We had the silly nights out filled with adventure and sweet moments. We had the purest form of love that didn't care about anything else except being there with one another. We enjoyed our company together even if that meant not speeking at all or him reading me one of his stupid books.

I told him every single detail of the call I received. How the director saw me as the character. Filming started late August. I had a three year contract. Filming was from august through february. Then the rest of the months would be for interviews, meet and greets, and other activities to promote the show. This was my big break. I was finally getting it.

"Wait- august? Three years?Elizabeth I'm- I decided to go to New York. I committed to the art school."

"Hey don't take my moment away from me." I say getting on my tippy toes and kissing his cheek. "I'm kidding, baby! I'm just so happy we're both chasing our dreams. You'll see, we'll both make it."

I remember how excited I was that day. I was drunk in love, I was drunk by the whiskey eyes of Archer, I was drunk in excitement.

"We got to promise each other something birdie."

"I promise." I held up two fingers and twisted them together with a large smile on my face.

"You don't even know what I'm asking you to promise." Archer said before attacking my neck with kisses sending me into a laughter ecasi.

"I don't need to know what it is. I would promise you anything."

"Promise me we'll see each other. Promise me we won't lose contact or forget about each other."

"Pinky promise stranger. You know how serious I am about pinky promises. Besides we already have friendship bracelets, you're stuck with me forever baby."

"Only a friendship Elizabeth?" He said grabbing my ching with both of his hands. He tilted my head a bit up and I could see his stupid pout forming.

"Maybe a little more than a friendship."

"I'm not saying I like you or anything like that but I would give you my pink starburst."

"Only you would do that Archer. Only you." He grabbed my hands and placed a few kisses on them causing a few laughs out of him. "You know I've never gone bowling."

I really hadn't. Putting my hands in the same ball so many people had touched was kind of disgusting. And don't even get my started on renting shoes. That is a crime.

"Then Miss Elizabeth, we're going to do celebratory bowling." Archer took my hands and placed them around his neck. "Quick kiss please and thank you." I happily agreed and gave him a kiss.

But it turned out to be anything but quick.


Archer parked his car outside a grocery store saying that he needed to get his mom something. I asked him why he couldn't do it after bowling, but he just said he'd probably forget. I'm an impatient person.

The Summer of 21 {complete}Where stories live. Discover now