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"So miss hollywood star, how do you feel about adding drawing to your resume?" Archer hugged me from behind and placed his chin on my shoulder.

"What do you mean brownie?"

"I mean, I can teach you how to draw. It's not going to be perfect, but it'd be fun."

"Really?" I asked, turning around.

"We can go to my place." He grabbed my hand and took me to his car.

I've always wanted to learn how to draw and paint and do all those artsy things. The problem is, I never knew how. I remember taking some art classes in primary school, but nothing came out of them. I sucked. I literally sucked.

Please someone cue the dirty joke right now.

"So Mister Luca, enlighten me with the things I need to know for drawing."

"The best tip I can give you is to draw from a picture or a landscape. That's what I always do. It's easier, but as I get deeper into the drawing or sketch, I'll add details to make it my own."

"You make it sound easy brownie."

"It is. Just let the pencil flow whenever it wants."

"I do that and my drawing ends up looking like one of the pages parents put up in the fridge that their toddlers drew."

"Hilarious." He grabbed my hand, intertwined our fingers. "But I'm serious."

"I know you are." I played with the stupid frog ring he was wearing. And I played with the stupid friendship bracelet he never took off. "How do you know which details you want to add to make it your own."

He hesitated for a moment before answering. "Take the drawing I did the first night you came over. I drew a bird that wasn't there. I call you birdie. It made the drawing part of me and part of you."

"You are a geek."

"Can I have a curse word pass?"

"Oh I've been waiting for you to ask that. Give me your best." He cracked his neck and took a deep breath.


"Oh brownie. Someone call the cops cause you just committed a felony." I know it was a bad joke, but come on, it was perfect for the situation.



"What?" I questioned Archer as I threw myself onto his bed. His mistress was next level of amazing. Think cotton candy mixed with clouds mixed with softness and silk.

Incredible, right?

"Change. I don't want you ruining your dress."

"I thought we were just sketching."

"We are also going to use paints. Now, change."

"Sounds exciting boss man." He rolled his eyes and threw me one of his black shirts and a pair of his sisters shorts. I took off my dress and slipped into the comfy outfit he lent me. I understood why he wanted it off. The blue flowy dress was too pretty to get damaged and it was one of my favorites. I grabbed one of the hair clips I always leave in my bag and twirled my hair up into a french twist and placed it in. Some baby hairs fell out, but I couldn't do much about that.

"Permission to kiss." He said coming to me and pulling me by my shirt.

"Permission granted." We kissed for what felt like forever, but the amazing thing about Archer was that time didn't exist with him. His kisses felt like days and hours and years.

The Summer of 21 {complete}Where stories live. Discover now