[51] Wait-I

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Rub the scent against the door.

Push it open. Only a little.


Slide. Faster. Silently like a feather.

One more step and stick to the wall.

Leave before the scent can linger. Jump. Jump higher because I am still not as tall as eldest brother. Third jump before the gaze moves away from the door.

Here! One leg inside the room. The other. Jump inside on toes.

Tip-toes. Silent. Softly like a feather.

She is still looking at the door.

I have to laugh silently.

One more silent step on toes.

Arms around her in a swift.

"Karam!" Mother's squeals make me jump in joy.  Her hands reach for my forearms before I can run away. She bends down to hold my ear in a warning that she doesn't really mean. My eyes never let her scold me, she always tells me.

As always, she sighs with a soft smile. "You must be too quick for my nose to smell your scent or eyes to catch you sneaking around, my little love. But my ears hear this heart beating in joy," she says, pointing at my chest.

My smile fades. "You can hear my heart, mother? But I was quick."

She settles on the floor and pulls me on to her lap, putting away all the baskets of clothes she was folding. "You always are," she says, with a chuckle. "Your brothers love to make everyone aware of their arrival just like your father. Loud steps. Laughters. Hums. Loud calls. But you like to sneak and surprise."

I push her hair away from her sight. They are too silky to settle in her braids. They cover her brown eyes. Sometimes, I feel she likes them this way. So, I will not see her sadness.

"I want to be like brothers," I mumble. I sniff in the air. She always smells of Lysar's scent these days. He takes all her time. "They can climb the trees and mountains. Brother King holds the largest bucket. I cannot hold the little one."

I look around towards the door for the other room. He is sleeping inside the crib that is not swinging anymore. His little legs bend and little fists curled. He looks like a cat, that often lingers around Anton's home.

Her fingers run through my hair. "You will, soon. When you will be bigger like them. But you are unique in your own way. When Lysar will be grown up, he will say the same."

Her fingers reach for my sides and she tickles. "That he wants to be like brother Karam."

I lay down on her lap and roll on the floor. My stomach hurts from laughing. She does it again. "Must we pray, he directly says Karam. Not Kalam like Tara."

"Tala!" I say the same way little sister takes her own name.

Mother laughs, pulling me to her again. "She will learn to speak properly. Soon. Your sister Lucine teaches her. Doesn't she?"

I nod. But why won't the sisters take me to the lake with them anymore? They only take Tara with them.

She gasps suddenly. "Did you give the bowl of gravy to your Aunt Rose?"

I nod again. "Yes, Mother."

"Did she look pleased?" Mother always want to make the Aunts happy.

Misty II जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें