[17] The Mate Bond- II

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The trees, the villagers, the pups playing, the dry muddy path— everything was shaking.

"What happened between you and him, last night?"

My eyes closed mildly as Amelia patted the head, forcefully rubbing the oil against my scalp.

"Are you my best friend?" I taunted while glancing far at Natasha and Alvena who were bathing the lamb they were about to eat at the lunch.

"Friend?" Amelia asked, massaging the space above my ears. "I didn't drag you to the mountains by your hair for how you broke the rule, yesterday. Broke the crown too. Now, what does that makes me?"

"A woman who minds her business."

A squeeze came upon my ear, I winced slightly. "Oww!"

She hummed and kept massaging my scalp. "I am trying to be someone between your mother-in-law and your sister-in-law. Wait. What is business?"

I rolled my eyes. "How do I explain that to you?" I said while thinking slowly. "It means occupation. Like what you do. Your own work. Like you have a family and you take care of it. That's your business. Your trade. But if you look over me and interfere in my life, I will tell you to. . ."

"I am the Luna. Each female here is my business."

I blinked, staring at the lamb. Natasha was now wiping it with a cloth.

"We had an argument. We fought and we. . . We kissed," I said, pouting in feeling awkward. Her massaging stopped. "More like he forced his kisses on me. I got carried away by the night. He just cannot dance like that when he claims to be my mate."

The massaging continued.

"No female likes to share her mate. I would rip out her spine and whip her dead body with it."

My lips curled in amazement. "I didn't mean that. I mean, he can't do that when he claims to be my mate. . ."

"I get it. . . there was this one female claiming to fuck Robin, when Nysa came here. She was fiesty in the beginning. Nysa ripped her throat the moment she announced that she would love to offer her service on every full moon."

I gulped slowly. "Why would girls fight over a caveman?" I mumbled absentmindedly. 

"You'll know if you happen to fight for your caveman some day," she said, chuckling to herself.


"The full moon is closer. The moonlight happens to charm all of us. The love turns intense. So does the lust, Foxy. Those were the widowed and mateless females."

"Why aren't they with Lucine then?" I asked, my voice vibrating as she started shaking my head with her aggressive massage. It was soothing.

"They are not virgins."

My eyebrows raised and I watched the lamb and the girls shaking. Alvena picked it up and followed Natasha who was coming towards us.

"Take him to my kitchen!" Amelia yelled while Alvena nodded, passing me a smile when I opened my eyes from in between the amazing massage.

I glanced at the door of Karam's room. "Where does he go all this time? He never tells me about it."

She rolled my hair into a tight bun on the top. "To work with the rest of the males. To build, to labour, to hunt, to pluck fruits for you. . . There are many things they have to do."

I turned quiet while she started massaging my shoulder. I closed my eyes and relaxed. "Ah. Thanks for this. . ." I breathed slowly.

"I am preparing your little human body for the climb," she said, while my eyebrows furrowed. "To meet Lucine. Karam will take you there, tomorrow."

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