[39] The Acceptance

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"There is so much suffering in her eyes."

The words moved inside my head, around with the winds as I looked up at the dawn sky.

"Your brother should have been there to stop his sister. Not you. Axel was doing just what the Moon had told him to."

I moved my eyes around in that endless sky full of stars that weren't yet ready to leave. A faint memory appeared like reality.

"Pete has a mate waiting for him there in the Lycan's territory."

Karam had gone to take Keev for bathing as he had heard his roaring intestines already when I was asleep. He woke me up before going away so I won't be afraid if I'd woken up later.

Because the girls were gone too. Only the Aunts were sitting far away from me having their early morning prayers and then, gossips. I couldn't hear them though. All I could hear were the words imprinted in mind.

"Confusion!" Declan had angrily at seeing what Pete did to Leo. Something that he had almost done to his own Uncle and cousin before.

Pete's heart had finally settled with the sight of his mate. The scent had burst all the bubbles of confusion. He was free of ignorance. The time was then to be trapped in the conclusion.

"Do you hear the voices? Listen."

Luna Elsie's blank face was saying everything that night. She was smiling yet warning me. I ignored her. I should have listened to her.

"Run away."

Dread filled my chest just like that night happened.

"They are coming."

She had said it in a way an any smart person could have understood. But I wasn't smart. I was getting molded by the forces of nature. Of universe. I was getting pulled towards a beast with red eyes and a big heart whom I didn't know, I would melt for just like that.

"We are here."

I gulped and moved my eyes towards the father-son duo. Keev was happy with new freshness. His hair was wet and a different cloak of the same red color was wrapped around him neatly. Karam was holding the old one which seemed wet.

He must have washed it because now, he was hanging it on a branch near the fire that was about to go off.

"Keev," I called out softly for the boy who was mesmerized by what his father was doing. The amber eyes didn't move off the bearded face as he watched him riling up the fire by faint air blows. "Come to me."

He caught my finger with his little chubby hand and laid down when I pulled him towards me. Although, he kept staring at his father.

And I couldn't blame him.

Karam was an art.








"Keep going straight until the first big cottage arrives. Stop there and wash your feet," said Karam while patting Noira and Alma's shoulders as he had wrapped his arms around them.

Emily was carrying Keev and thus, she was walking beside us. The rest of the group was going ahead without any breaks. The Aunts were leading the way and had reached quite the way ahead.

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