[22] Keep An Eye

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The faint echoes of aggressive winds were playing at the back of my mind.

Because the continuous voices of someone writhing in pain were in the front.

I opened my eyes slowly. My eyebrows narrowed at seeing the darkness in the room. Only a candle in the corner near the bathroom was lit and about to go off. Because of the faint wind coming from the little space beneath the closed windows.

Turning my head to the right, my eyes squinted in the sudden nervousness.

Raising my head up, I palmed Karam's sweaty face. Continuous restless sighs were escaping him while his hand holding mine had been shaking.

"Karam," I cooed while caressing his bearded cheek. "Wake up. It's a bad dream."

Patting it gently, I moved my hand up to run fingers through his hair silkier and wavy than mine. "Karam, get up." I whispered while lowering down my hand to shake his shoulder.

More sighs escaped him as he took fast breaths. His eyes opened while I moved myself back slowly.

"Hey," I whispered softly. "A nightmare?"

His eyes widened and he started breathing harsher. For the first time, I saw an unknown fear on his face.

Looking around, he pushed away the silk curtain of the canopy hurriedly.

"Karam?" I called out loud worriedly.

He hurriedly rushed for his boots near the wall and wore them even without socks. He didn't even tied the belts on it.

I sat up on the bed, quickly. "Karam!" I asked in fear as he started walking towards the door. "What's wrong?"

He halted and turned around to look at me. Walking fast towards the bed, he bent downwards to grab my face with his large hands.

I stared at him worriedly, cupping his hand. "What's wrong, Karam? Where are you going?" I asked desperately, my voice lowering in uncertainty. "You have caught a fever? You are shaking?"

He gulped hard and breathed heavily. "I need to go," he whispered restlessly.

"Go where?" I gasped, widening my eyes. "Don't leave me alone," I said, looking around. There was no light coming from under the door or window. "It's still the night."

"I will come back soon before you even wake up. Just go back to sleep," he requested softly.

"Is it the full moon hurting you?" I asked worriedly, observing the sweat appearing on his forehead. "Karam, I am scared. Can I come too?"

He left my face, straightening up and shaking his head instantly. "No! I must go! Sleep. I will send Nysa to watch over for you to not feel alone."

I pushed the furs away. "No!" Raising on my knees, I shook my head. "No! I want to come too! I can't sleep alone here!"

"It's windy, outside." He said, rushing to the door.

I gasped nervously as he opened it and walked out. Peeking inside before shutting the door, he gave me a serious look.

"Is it the full moon?" I asked slowly.

He blinked. The candle light was able to show only half of his sweating face. "Sleep, my mate."








"He was gone. Just like that?"

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