[25] The Truth-II

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That was his limit as he immediately got up and growled lowly.

The night was silent and everyone was sleeping. No, they weren't sleeping. They were listening to our quarrel. But still, the very growl was still loud for me after how Anton startled me to death.

"I am here. You are here. You will always be here with me," he said, his voice sounding deep and firm.

I bit my tongue while blinking the wet lashes.

He gulped before explaining, "I haven't done any mistake knowingly. I was drunk and out of my senses. I do not remember what happened that night. I only know that months passed and one day, sister Lucine stands at my door. She gives me this sweet pup and tells me that it is mine. The woman I was with had given the pup to her."

I was blank.

He had been careless. He had been a womanizer.

"I haven't danced with women without them begging me for it. But with you, it is more than a dance. It has always been different. My mate makes me mad. Makes me the monster. My mate brings out the real Lycan in me. It is hard to hold back and beg for her love. She makes me crave it like the crops beg for rain. She does that magic on me. Here, I am, standing, muffling out words in hope of saving the bond I have with you. I don't want it to get dirty, my mate." He said, releasing a long sigh.

Kneeling again, he grabbed my hand that was outside of the furs.

I stiffened and pulled it back immediately. But he didn't let it go.

My teeth gritted while he lowered his eyes and rested his right cheek against my left hand. Blinking in disturbance, he took a long breathe.

"I have believed my mother. Lucine is just like her. Thus, I believe her too. If she says, it is my pup. It is mine, my mate."

I sniffled while rubbed his bearded cheek against my hand after holding it with both his hands.

"I like to dance. But I wouldn't fuck a female if she is not mate. I don't know what came over me that night. The thought of it scares me," he whispered softly. "But not more than the thought of losing my mate. If the presence of my pup will hurt my mate, I will never bring you two together. But I cannot choose, my mate. I cannot."

I gulped slowly while looking at him.

He had closed his eyes.

"I would not dance ever. I would not leave your side. All I ask is for one hour to visit my pup. And I shall be the loyal mate to you. Tara had just died and I couldn't stop drinking. The pain was too much. She was like a pup. If only I knew that it would make me ashamed in front of my mate, I had never touched the wine that night."

I breathed shakily while he stayed silent.

"You were abandoned by your mother and his mate. This pup is not a punishment. For I will keep you two apart. I will not be partial."

His nostrils flared.

"But believe in me, my mate. For I have loved only woman and that is you." He whispered, bringing his lips closer to my knuckles. "Deep in my heart, mind and soul, I have saved myself for you. I do not remember anything."

"But it doesn't make you any innocent. Does it?" I asked calmly, disgust sprinkling along.

He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"You have ruined that child's life. You have ruined mine," I said, looking at him in hurt. "You do not remember anything? Why? Because you were drunk and careless. There is no problem even if you had it. But you had to tell me before forcing me into those rituals with you, Karam. You had to confess before bursting out on me for kissing two men."

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