Chapter 34- Arrested

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They load Harper into the back of the police car and Kelly runs over
"It's okay! We will get Voight on this!" Kelly says putting his hand on the window
"Tell the kids I love them!" Harper says putting her hands where Kelly's is
Harper then gets driven down to a district and is put in a questioning room.
"Ahh Mrs Severide!" A cop says walking in
"What do you want?" Harper says annoyed
"I want you to come clean! We all know you lit that fire!" The cop says
"I didn't! Why would I!" Harper says
"Your a captain right? And you've worked with arson? So you would know all the tricks?" The cop says
"I can assure you that I would never do something like that! Yes I did loose that job but it wasn't the end of the world!" Harper says
"So you admit you were angry?" The cop says
"No comment!" Harper replies
Just then someone walks in
"Sargent Voight!" The cop says slightly startled
"I just came to check up on my friend Harper here! Why charges do you have to keep her here?" Voight asks
"Oh umm" the cop says trying to think
"Exactly! Harper can therefor go home until you find evidence suggesting that it was her!" Voight says taking the handcuffs off of Harper
Harper walks out with Voight and they get in the car
"I didn't do it" Harper says looking at Voight
"I know" Voight says as he drives away
They drive back to her apartment and she opens the door. Aria and Devin spot her and run over
"Mummy!" Aria says jumping into Harper's arms
"Hey princess!" Harper says giving aria a giant hug
"You too my little Prince!" Harper says picking Devin up to
"I'll leave you to it but remember to come by the district after your shift is over!" Voight says
"Thank you!" Harper says before he walks away
Harper doesn't leave the kids sides for the rest of the night until it's time for shift in the morning. Harper walks in holding Kelly's hand
"Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, bus crash, 89th street" The intercom says
They all jump in their trucks and race to the scene. A bus has crashed into a wall but only a couple of victims are injured.
"Okay 81! Otis do a sweep around the area just in case anyone has got off! Herrmann and Amelia help the victims on the bus! Let's go people!" Harper shouts
"Hey! It's that firefighter who set that house on fire! God and she's a captain too! Shows you what the CFD has come to!" A bystander shouts
"Sir I'm gonna need you to back off! We're trying to help these people!" Harper shouts
"No im good here!" The bystander shouts
Harper gets on with her job and is bringing out a victim
"Hey! Watch it buddy! She might set your house on fire!" The bystander says laughing
"Hey! Watch your mouth! I'm trying to save people here now I won't tell you again! Get your annoying ass out of here!" Harper shouts
"Ohh did I hit a nerve captain?" The bystander says
"Get out of here before I force you to!" Harper says getting very close to him
"Aww look at the girl who thinks she can fight me!" The bystander says
"I can assure you that I'm an excellent firefighter! I don't see you running into burning buildings everyday to save someone you've never met! I have 4 kids at home and I could possibly never come home to them one day! Now get you ass off my scene!" Harper says angrily
The man then walks away and they head back to the firehouse

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