Chapter 43- The aftermath

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Harper is back at the firehouse after being checked out from med. Boden calls her into his office along with Kelly and Casey.
"How are you holding up?" Boden asks
"I'm great! The doctors cleared me for a concussion!" Harper says smiling
"And you wouldn't tell me if you weren't okay! We've just had word about a storm tonight" Boden says
"I know! I heard about that! It's meant to be really bad!" Kelly says
"Which is why we need all hands on deck tonight!" Boden says
"You got it chief!" Casey says
"Yeah!" Harper says as she smiles
It's later that night and the storm is in full swing. The storm is effecting the lights and the intercom in the firehouse which means they can't go out on calls. Truck 81 has just returned from a call before everything went down
"It's mad out there!" Harper says as she comes in dripping wet
"You look cold" Kelly says as he lets out a little laugh
"Way to point out the obvious Severide!" Harper says as she smiles
"Just doing my job Bailey!" Kelly says walking over to Harper and giving her a kiss
"Yuck! Can we keep it PG?" Cruz says laughing
Harper smiles as she goes to get changed. She walks back into the common room where they are having a discussion
"What's going on?" Harper asks as she sits down
"I was just telling Kelly about this thing!" Casey says
"What thing?" Harper asks
"You basically sign up to this thing and if there's any cancellations on a flight you get it!" Casey says
"You can end up any where like South Africa or London!" Kelly says
"Yeah but that's how your end up in a Turkish prison somewhere!" Capp says
"Capp honey! Turkish prisons are only in turkey! It's kinda in the name!" Harper says followed by a small laugh
"Okay jeez! I know I failed geography! I don't need you to tell me!" Capp says annoyed
The whole firehouse burst out laughing and Capp goes red in the face.
"I didn't mean to embarrass you!" Harper says trying her hardest not to laugh
"Yall are jerks!" Capp says walking out
Harper starts to make some food and she sits down next to Kelly.
"Thank you!" Kelly says as he steals some of her food
"Hey! But you had a fork ready? Like where do you keep a fork?" Harper asks
"I'm a man of many talents!" Kelly says laughing
It's about an hour later and Harper is grabbing something out of the coat room. She hears a noise and walks towards it. She pushes the jackets to reveal a little girl sitting in the corner...

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