Obsessions Part 82

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"Kirari!" you exclaimed.

The loud bang of the door as you slammed it open startled Ririka. She silently watched in horror as your eyes moved back and forth from every corner of the living room until they stopped on her. Her breath hitched when your eyes locked with hers. Her body began to tremble a bit, maybe because of fear.

"Sorry." you whispered when you noticed her expression, realizing that you scared her.

She only nodded, fear still evident in her eyes. Hesitantly, you walked towards her and gently patted her head. She closed her eyes and leaned towards your hand like a feline wanting to be touched more. You gulped, suddenly feeling a hint of nervousness. Watching her being like this makes you feel weird.

"Have you seen Kirari?" you asked, trying to avert your attention from her.

She nodded and pointed towards the stairs.

"Up in her room." she said.

You nod and walked away, leaving the other girl pouting in discontent.


You went to your lover's room.

"Kirari, was it you?"

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Was it you that made this possible? You asked Rei to come to Hyakkaou, right? It was you who made her want to gamble against me."

"I don't know. Maybe? All I did was accept her challenge. Next thing I knew, we were gambling over you."

"Wha-What.... But why!?"

"I don't know. Seems exciting? Anyway, my bet was on you so you better not lose."


She kissed you on the cheeks, hushing you. Then focused her attention on a book she was reading earlier, leaving you no chance to ask any more questions.


'Where could she be?'

Sneaking around campus, looking for a certain someone, was not something you ought to be doing now but you can't help it. A few days had already passed since Rei entered Hyakkaou and nothing exciting has happened yet. You expected her to appear right in front of you and ask for a gamble head-on but no... Even her silhouette wasn't present.

"The audacity. Getting me all excited and pumped up like that for nothing. Was those only empty threats she threw at me? Urgh. I can't wait to put to good use all the things I've learned. You're disappointing me, Batsubami."

Stomping, you gave up and decided to go back to the council room. On your way, you heard some familiar voices but can't figure out what they were saying.

"....Pres.... etray... an't..."

You went closer and peeked behind the door of a supposedly empty classroom. With widened eyes, you watched as your Vice President stood there with a sullen look. She had her head down and was biting her lip lightly. In front of her was the very person you had been searching for.

"Igarashi." Rei's soothing voice echoed. "This is that person's wish."

'That person?' you tried to think of whoever this could be, but failed to name anyone.

You tried to inch closer but accidentally moved the door, making a soft but audible noise. Quickly, you went back and covered your mouth before a gasp came out.

"Who's there!?" Sayaka's stern voice reached your ears. Then, hurried footsteps came closer to where you were. Panic came over you as you rushed out of the scene, running as fast as you could. You almost fell down the stairs as you turned and collided with someone.

"Oof. Careful! What the hell are you doing running like that, on the stairs no less! Don't you know how dangerous that is!?"

"Midari!" you exclaimed.

"Huh? You look pale as a ghost. What happened to you?"


She cocked her eyebrows at you then released a sigh. You felt yourself getting dragged by the collar. Next thing you knew, you we're thrown on a bed.

"Nurse, Miss President right there doesn't look too good. I can't have that. Fix her up real quick so she can manage her band of misfits in the council." Midari said.

"Leave her to me. She'll be good as new soon."

Midari only nodded and left you. Suddenly, a curvy and very "blessed" nurse appeared beside you. She had a huge smile on her face, making you gulp in nervousness.

"I'll treat you real good." she said.


Meanwhile... on the previous room...

"Don't be alarmed. I'm sure it was only a nosy student passing by." Rei spoke. She was now sitting atop a student's desk, one of her foot rested on a chair.

"I'm not so sure about this. What if it was President Y/n? I don't want her to think I'm her enemy."

"But you are..."

Sayaka turned her body sharply and glared at the other woman who only chuckled at her.

"A woman like you shouldn't wear such an unsightly expression. Don't get me wrong, you still look pretty but that frown taints that beauty of yours."

Rei walked briskly near the Vice President. Her gloved hands reached for her as Sayaka shut her eyes, receiving the comfort of each caress given to her.

"Listen. All you have to do is preside over our match. She won't know we are allies as long as your acting stays superb. You are an amazing woman, Igarashi. Don't waste it on someone like her."


I want to give you guys better chapters but I can't help but be insecure with these 😅😅😅

I know you waited long... but this is the best I could do 🥲

Anyway,,, idk if this is real... but 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

 but 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

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