Obsessions Part 89

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An announcement rang all over the school grounds. Every speakers and even monitors showed Sayaka. She had a serious look on her face as she continued to speak.

"Again, everyone is adviced... no... let me rephrase that. Everyone is ordered to be outside. All of you have to watch the ceremony as said. No one is allowed to be left inside the school building. Also, take all of your belongings. Any damage to them will not be our responsibility as you have been warned."

She continued to brief the students while the other council members checked every classroom and made sure no one hid. After ensuring that everyone has gathered outside, all the possible entrances were locked tightly.

Everyone has gathered in front of a huge stage built just for this occasion. You stood atop it, behind you, the view of the whole school can be seen. The view from your position was too overwhelming. The whole school body was watching as you speak. It felt so stifling just by being there. You can hear your own heartbeat racing. Something was brewing. Your guts tells you so.

Throughout the ceremony, you can't ignore the feeling that something was amiss. Sayaka was sitting right next to you, holding your hand. She doesnt seem to notice it since she has been out of it from the beginning of the day. A drop of sweat fell from her temples.

"Sayaka." you whispered.

She was too jumpy and on edge. What could it be? Surely she knows something.


"Is there something you wanted to tell me?"

"Tell you? W-what could I p-possibly be h-hiding." she stuttered.

You wanted to probe more but Midari's loud voice stopped you. She was onstage ranting. On her hand was a certificate. The faculty members tried to stop her to no avail. You only shook your head and smiled. That outburst of hers removed some of the tension and also brightened up this boring ceremony.

The graduation ended peacefully. You were called back onstage to give a final farewell. Once you were done, everyone was about to leave but then Rei appeared.

"Dear students of Hyakkaou." she announced. "I advice you not to leave yet. For this day, you will witness an event that would be embedded in your memories for a very long time."

Rei walked confidently in the middle of the crowd until she reached the stage. She jumped up and faced you.

"Congratulations on your graduation, miss Y/n." she said.

"Uh. Thanks?" you answered.

Rei spread her arms out wide as everyone focused their attention on her. Hair blown by the wind, eyes closed. Blazer fluttering. Then boom. Multiple explosions rang from behind you.

Everyone watched with bated breath as Hyakkaou Private Academy was slowly demolished and eaten by the raging fire.

Moments later, sirens of firetrucks sounded the whole area. Even helicopters flew above, dousing the fire.

You looked back at Rei who was bowing at you as a sign of respect. With one last smile, she walked away and disappeared in the throng of people that gathered around panicking. You wanted to control the crowd  but you were too stunned. Thank goodness the other council members were there to facilitate the evacuation.

You then turned around to watch the reddish glow dancing all over the academy. You can feel the heat but your sweat felt very cold. Your heart thumped loudly and feel your body froze from shock. Comfort only came to you when Sayaka's arm hugged your waist protectively. Her other hand was trying to swat the ashes floating in the air away from you.

"I'm fine, Sayaka." you managed to mutter.

She smiled reassuringly at you and began to slowly to pull you away from the fire.

In the distance, you saw a figure leaning over a black car, smiling. Her blue lips gave a you a comfortingly cool feeling despite the raging heat. Her braided platinum white hair flows with the wind. Watching her gave you a somewhat peaceful feeling, totally opposite of what was really happening.

"Go." Sayaka whispered. She let go of you.

You ran towards the person who was waiting for you, pushing any obstacles you come across, not caring about the school that was in flames. All you needed was her. It felt like a desperate attempt to overcome all these people on your way, but you pushed through with all you've got, stopping in front of her, panting. After regaining some stamina, you lunged your body towards her which she gladly accepted.

"Let's go home, Y/n." her soft voice soothed your nerves, you felt yourself finally calming down after all those tense moments. "It's over. You can relax now."

You took one more glance at the crimson turned academy then back at the person you loved the most.

"Yes. Let's go home... Kirari."


The two of you thought you could finally spend more time with only each other when you get home. But instead, you were bombarded by scolding from Karin. She's been on the phone before you arrived.

"What were you thinking, Kirari!? Blowing up the school!? Is this your idea of fun!?" Karin rubbed her aching temples.

"It is fun." Kirari answered.

"Oh my Gosh. What am I gonna do with you."

"Well.... Fix everything I've messed up?"

Karin stared at Kirari with an unbelieving expression. She was only answered with giggles from her daughter then she pulled you and both of you ran away from the angry Karin.


boom (☆▽☆)

Obsessions ( kakegurui females x female reader )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora