chapter eight

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Fifi's dress ^

July was bittersweet for Fifi, it signified the end of summer her favourite season. She loved the ocean, clear skies and gentle kiss of the sun. July also signified her birth month, the 11th to be exact, this year she would be turning 17 meaning her final year in schooling (she was a year ahead). Fifi was born on the 11th of July at 11:11 pm, an angel number for an angel reincarnated.

This July brought more positives than negatives in Fifi's blessed life with her birthday, Blake and the promise of her fathers return seeming to out way the negative tolling of summers end.

Swimming laps in her pool, unbeknownst to Fifi, Blake had strode into the pool area with the same confident, reserved manner he worked to keep. Maybe his aura itself was so dominating and deserving of recognition that it alone was the reason Fifi stopped and bobbed her head out from the chlorine blue water.

"Good morning Blakey" she chirped, always a morning person Blake recalled, his mind smiling at memories of her waking himself and Eli up at ungodly hours of the morning to play.
"Good morning darling" Blake replied his face giving away not a glance into his protected thoughts.
Fifi's smile widened as she noticed the teacups placed beside him, she pulled herself from the pool grabbing a towel and sat herself down next to Blake.
He silently poured her a cup before himself and handed it to her. Fifi stifled a giggle at the delicate porcelain teacups in Blake's rough enormous hands. He raised his eyebrow at her in a 'what the hells so funny' manner, "thank you Blakey" Fifi smiled innocently back as she took the teacup and sipped on the warming liquid.

"Fifi I-", but Blake was interrupted by Eli's dawning footsteps as he too strode into the pool area.
"Bubba I have some bad news" he said a look of worry passing over his face for a brief second.
Fifi's face contorted into a small pout with a unnoticeable tremble in her bottom lip, although Blake could spot it from miles away, nothing went past him.
"What is it Ellie" she whispered, instantly anxious, if Eli deemed it bad news it really mustn't be good.
"It's father, bub, he can't make it home for your birthday" Eli said his head tilted at the floor almost ashamed of having to deliver the heart breaking news. Fifi felt her eyes instantly well with an overwhelming amount of tears, they soon streamed down her face. She bawled up her little fists pushing them into her eyes to try stop the tears, she didn't want Blake thinking she was a helpless baby although that was how she felt.
Fifi felt arms wrap around her as her big brother lifted her from the chair and into his arms, not caring the she was still wet from the pool only caring about his delicate baby sister. Fifi cried silently into Eli's shoulder while Blake motioned to talk to Eli inside, to which Eli sent him a firm nod following him.
"Wait for me here, i'll go take Fi to her room" Eli said as he departed the kitchen dining area with Fifi still on his hip.

"Why Ellie? He promised he would" Fifi looked miserably into Eli's eyes.
"He has to stay for work, you know he wouldn't be there unless he absolutely had to".
"I know" Fifi repeated her head still slumped in a defeated manner.
"Have a shower bub, wash the chlorine out" Eli said setting her down in her bedroom. Once he was met with no resistance he kissed Fifi's forehead and made his way downstairs toward Blake.

"You didn't tell her we would be going to Italy too" Blake said pulling out a hand rolled cigarette prepared earlier.
"None of that inside Blake" Eli said noticing the way he pulled a lighter out.
Blake breathed a half hearted laugh "of course mummy", he walked out on to the lower level balcony, lined with ancient architectural columns reaching from the polished marble floor to the obnoxiously high ceiling.

"You've got to take her with us" Blake said plainly through the cigarette he had placed between his teeth, he pulled his hand up to wind block for his flame. Eli knew he was right but it didn't make it harder to hear.
"Fuck if I will. You know yourself it too dangerous"
"Yeah well you can't leave her here by herself, can you" Blake snapped his voice growing louder with annoyance. Silence then filled their surroundings, so thick the air felt heavy almost.
"You've got to protect her Blake, I can only do so much, you can do more" Eli said breaking the tension.
Blake took a long drag before pulling out another cigarette and passing it to Eli, who took it wordlessly.
"You know I will".

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