chapter nine

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Fifi's dress ^

It was too cold for the Vegas Fifi was used to and she was heavily regretting her choice of clothing. Her dress was short reaching mid thigh, an off the shoulder cut white with a subtle frill trim. She shivered in the backseat of Eli's car regardless that she was squashed next to both Jack and Caden.
Blake waited beside the stairs leading to his private jet, typing furiously on his phone to his father.
He looked up as Eli pulled up, watching as Fifi was playfully lifted out of the car by Jack spinning her around. Eli rolled his eyes whilst Blake's grip on his iPhone tightened significantly. Anger and frustration coursed through his veins, he hated having to share Fifi, he wanted to lock her away from the evil eyes of the world just for him.

Fifi however, looked around wide eyed at her foreign surroundings, her lips parted slightly as she gazed in awe at the plane. She walked mindlessly closer to it letting out a breathy gasp as she comprehend the true size of it. Planes looked to different on tv.

"Go on", a deep voice sounded behind her, jumping slightly Fifi turned around to look at Blake. "I've never gone on a plane before" she said turning back around, not directly talking to Blake she just wanted to voice her growing anxiety. Blake's hand made contact with Fifi's lower back, his hand slid along her hips sometimes grazing the top of her perky ass until he had her facing him again. "I'll be right behind you darling" he winked, his corny words making Fifi blush regardless.

Fifi made her way up the stairs into to jet, slower then normal due to nerves. Blake followed closely behind, too closely Eli thought as he watched Blake's eyes follow his little sisters behind up the stairs.
Smacking the back of his head Eli gave Blake a look everyone knew to mean trouble, to which Blake grunted in response but still dropped his eyes.

Fifi sat next to her brother in quite panic, she had never flown before and was petrified. Images of crashing planes and fires filled her mind.
"Fifi!" She shook from her daze, "y-yes?" she replied turning to her brother. "Are you ok? I said we are taking off"Eli look at his sister, an eyebrow arched in suspicion.
"Yes I-I need the bathroom bubba" she lied, getting up at the nod of Eli's head and making her way to the back compartment of the plane where the toilet was.

Closing the door Fifi felt tear rapidly fall from her face, she couldn't tell her brother about the developing anxiety or she feared he wouldn't allow her to accompany him on any other trips.
'Stupid, stupid girl' she told herself 'can't do anything without being a crybaby, this is why you aren't allowed out'. Fifi felt as if she was falling off the end of the earth, an anxiety attack, and not her first one.
She let out a whimper like sob when the door was opened roughly, she looked up at her crouched position on the floor.
She lifted her arms up for him to take which he did, lifting her up and into his arms. Fifi clung to his body wrapping herself tightly around him. She cried timidly into Blake's shoulder and her drew soft circles on her back.
'How did he know?' Fifi wondered, she had been in the bathroom mere minutes not enough time for anyone to notice something was wrong.
But Blake noticed.
Blake noticed the way Fifi's leg bounced a bit higher, he noticed the way she tugged and twisted the rings on her fingers and how he eyes darted too quickly around the cabin, he noticed how loud her thoughts must have been to drown out Eli's voice and the slight waver in hers when she responded to him. He noticed.

He wiped the the tears from her face, "come on angel, you know I would never let anything happen to you". It didn't occur to Fifi that Blake couldn't stop a literal jet from falling from the sky because he sounded so confident and she felt so safe.

Before leaving Blake grabbed a bottle of champagne from the bar fridge, excusing his suspicion trip the the back compartment of the plane.
"Let's fucking go" he announced to the cabin, a devilish smirk plastered on his face. He popped the the top and took a swig right from the bottle the boys cheered and Fifi smiled as to not look suspicious.

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