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11 years ago

Fifi was always small, this became evident to her at the age of 5. On her first day of school. She gazed up at all the school children with amazement as her brother, Eli who was already in his second year at school dragged her by the hand. She was dressed in her favourite blue checked dress with buttons she still couldn't do herself, and her hair was tied in pig tails with matching blue ribbons. On her feet she wore her white frilly socks and black shoes with laces that Eli was constantly tying up.

"Now remember what I told u Fifi" Eli said sternly. "Don't let anyone push you around blah blah blah" Fifi giggled, Eli's face contorted into an expression of worry "I love you Fifi, wait for me outside your class". "I love you too Ellie" and Fifi placed a kiss on his cheek and hurried into her classroom.

Fifi was shy, she only had 3 friends her dad, her brother and Jack, but he was technically Eli's friend that had taken a liking towards her. After Fifi's mother died her dad became very cautious towards his only daughter, it took months of begging for her to be aloud into public school like her brother.
Because of her lack of social skills Fifi found herself sitting alone in class thinking that maybe school wasn't all as good as she thought.

The lunch bell rang bringing her out of her thoughts and she obediently waited outside her classroom for Eli. He met her there with Jack and another boy who she didn't know, nervous about the new boy she quickly hid behind her brother.
"Fifi don't be silly this is our friend Caden" Jack said while reaching for her hand and attempting to pull her out behind Eli. Only to be pushed back by Eli, "leave her alone Jack", Eli hated the thought of anyone touching his baby sister. Jack put his hands up in defence as Caden stared curiously at the little girl.
The boys chatted amongst themselves as they walked into the playground, but Fifi stayed quite still filled with nerves from being around many people.

"Be careful!" Eli shouted as Fifi ventured up the ladder of the slide . She gulped and felt her little legs begin to shake as she looked down from the seemingly tall slide and felt her fleeting bravery leave her. Before she could think too much about turning around she felt a bump on her back sending backwards down the slide.

It happened very fast, next thing Fifi knew she had landed on the grass, she looked down at her knees and saw blood sliding down her legs and staining her favourite socks and began to cry.
It wasn't long before Eli, Jack and Caden were by her side as they had witnessed the whole thing.
Eli had his arms wrapped around Fifi trying to comfort her, but she looked up as she felt his arms leave her body.
Fifi watched to find her brother shouting at another boy and to her dismay he then punched him square in the face. Of course that didn't sit well with the other boy and before long a fight had broken out.

Fifi now sat beside the boy, who she had found out was the boy who pushed her off the slide, outside the principals office, waiting for Eli to come out.
The boy turned to look at Fifi, she looked like a doll he thought, a sad doll with tear stained cheeks a red nose and bloody knees. He felt guilt over take him looking at her, he hadn't meant to push her he simply hadn't seen her. She was so small like a doll he thought again.
"I'm sorry" he finally spoke, Fifi turned and for the first time properly looked at the boy. He was taller then her brother but still looked around his age, he had messy dark hair, big grey eyes and a cut that ran across his pale cheek thanks to Eli .
Fifi couldn't help but forgive him as she looked into his sorry eyes, she was never one to hold a grudge and had a very forgiving nature. "That's okay" she sniffled back "I know it was an accident", he felt relieved to hear her forgiveness, he couldn't stand the thought of this little porcelain doll thinking he had purposefully hurt her.
"I'm Blake" he said, Fifis mood lit up a bit at the sudden thought of making a friend. "My names Felicity but you can call me Fifi" she chirped. "That's a pretty na-", before Blake could finish Eli emerged from the principles office. He looked angry and confused that the boy even dared look at his baby sister let alone talk to her after what he had just done.
"Get away from him Fifi" he said while taking her hand to pull her away, "no Ellie" she whined, "he didn't mean to push me it was an accident, I promise". Fifi's soft heart didn't want Eli to hurt anyone, especially as Blake was her new friend.
Eli looked over at the boy sitting in the chair and then back at Fifi's sad puppy eyes and couldn't help but give in, no one could resist her cute doe eyes.
Blake stood up as Eli matched over to him and the two 6 year old boys assessed each other in silence, "Eli DeLana" he introduced himself, breaking the silence, "Blake King" Blake replied.
And against odds they became best friends.

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