chapter six

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Fifi woke up the next morning to an empty bed, the only trace of Blake was the open window in her bedroom.

She didn't know how to feel, Blake had kissed her before, he had kissed lots of girls before. She was sure of that. But something about the kiss was different, there was a different intention there, she could tell.
Fifi was naive not stupid.

Fifi spent most of the day on the hard wooden floor of the dance room her dad had installed 8 years ago.
Fifi had tried lots of sports growing up, desperately trying to follow in the footsteps of her athletic brother and his friends. She tried soccer, basketball, volleyball ... you get the idea. But only 2 sports really stuck, swimming and her favourite, ballet.
She had started ballet at 3 along with 10 or so other children, but Fifi soon found out that little girls weren't always the nicest. The elitism and jealousy only got worse as Fifi grew up at her ballet studio. Once Eli had caught on to the bullying he immediately had her taken out of classes and hired her own private teacher.

Although Fifi only saw her teacher Miss Elenor twice a week she spent every possible minute in her dance room.
It had a mirror wall and bar as well as sound proof walls due to Eli's hatred of classical music.

Fifi had never been grounded before but she assumed that meant house arrest. So without hope of finding any other means of entertainment she tied up the ribbons of her pointe shoes and hid herself in her dance room, which was fine by her.


"Where's Fifi?" Jack said as he glanced around the living area.

"Yeah i thought she was supposed to be on house arrest" Caden chimed as he collapsed onto the couch.
The boys had been to the gym that morning before retiring to Eli's house but Blake stayed.
Blake was like that, he did what he wanted, when he wanted and only because he wanted to. This behaviour was probably why everyone idolised him so much, he was confident, slightly arrogant but not cocky.

"She's probably dancing, you know how she is" Eli responded flopping down beside Caden. It's true Fifi's talent in ballet was known to everyone, since they used to be forced into going to her recitals when she was younger by Eli.
Eli flipped on his Xbox and Caden grabbed a controller but Jack went off in search of Fifi.

Jack loved watching Fifi dance, everyone did.

"How's my little ballerina?" He said entering the studio.
"Jack!" Fifi smiled pausing what she was doing to run and greet him. "You scared me!"

"I'm sorry Fi" He said picking up the small girl and hugging her, "you know I love watching you dance, mind if I stay a bit?"
"Not at all!" Fifi replied happy to have his company.

Jack watched Fifi with a less than innocent gaze. She was torturous to watch he thought, she was so perfect but so out of reach. She would forever be forbidden fruit, his best friends perfect, untouchable baby sister.

Jack stayed watching and talking to Fifi for half an hour before Eli bust into the room.
"Stop harassing my sister will you" he said only half joking.
Eli wasn't dumb he knew the meaning behind boys lingering glances at his sister. So he had put the responsibility on himself to instil the fear to keep their hands off her.

Jack put up his hands in mock defence, "Don't be silly Ellie, I like having an audience" Fifi giggled innocently.
"We have a business lunch we should have left for 5 minutes ago dumbass, get your shit" Eli said ignoring Fifi's comment.

"Fuck i forgot" Jack jumped to his feet, they both said goodbye and left Fifi to herself.

Fifi didn't know what "business" her father and brother were caught up in, she had asked but was always given cryptic answers leaving her only with more questions .
Maximus and Eli were very adamant in keeping Fifi as far away from the Mafia as they possibly could, whilst still being at large within it.
Blake, Jack and Caden also followed suite in being part of the Mafia but never daring to discuss their business in front of Fifi.

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