chapter two

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Fifi's POV
We entered Big Daddy's diner and I greeted Benny the owner of the diner,
"hey sweetie, are you still coming in tomorrow for your shift?"
"yes of course Benny" I reply with a sweet smile as we sit in a booth. I was about to slide in next to Eli when i feel a large hand grip my waist. I turn around and watch Blake pull me possessively into the other side of the booth next to him.
Blake has always been possessive over me just like my brother and his friends.
When we were younger there was this boy, Tommy, who used to live next door to us, he would as me to play everyday. Eli and Blake agreed that he was a weirdo and wouldn't allow me to go, but I felt bad for him so i snuck over to his house to play hide and seek one day.
Tommy had then asked me to be his girl friend but I was only 6 and had no idea what that was, but not wanting to upset him I agreed.
After Eli, Jack, Caden and Blake found me and him sitting in his treehouse (it was a very cool treehouse btw) Tommy had said that he was my new boyfriend.
That's when things got... out of hand. I shuddered slightly at the memory of Eli and Blake jumping on him, but no one seemed to notice.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by the waitress taking our order. Her name was Lily and she was unpleasant to say the least. I've had a few shifts with her and although I have tried my best to be kind, she just hates my guts.
I watched her flaunt her chest to our table and attempt to flirt with the boys.
She was pretty, thought Fifi, but she was still nasty, but the boys didn't seem to care.
"We are having a Welcome Home party for Blake tonight" Eli said "you should swing past".
"I will" she said in a high giggly voice, she winked at Blake but her eyes caught mine giving me a glare.
I slid down my seat, intimidated by her. I felt Blake place his hand on my thigh and give it a squeeze, "what would you like princess". He spoke directly into my ear and his breath fanned my neck leaving me with goosebumps all over.
I looked at Lily who was glaring at me impatiently, i quickly looked away and whispered into Blake's ear, too shy to talk to the intimidating girl in front of me.
"Can I please have a milkshake and waffles Blakey?" I said softly, he nods and repeats the order back to the waitress and who writes everything down then leaves... finally.
"I didn't know you were having a party for Blakey, bubba" i say with a frown. "Yes, well you are to stay in your room Fifi, it's not safe for you" he said in his 'i'm very serious and cranky bossy boots blah blah blah voice'. I hum in agreement, I don't like parties anyway, too many people, too much sound.

Blake's POV
I watch Fifi's face light up as her food is set in front of her. I watch as her pouty lips wrap around the straw of her milkshake and suck. Dirty thoughts make my cock twitch uncomfortably in my pants.
I pulled my eyes away annoyed that a girl has such an effect on me, and my best friends baby sister out of all people.
I hear her moan as she takes a bite of waffles and i snap.

Fifi's POV

I couldn't help but moan as I tasted my waffles, Big Daddy's really do make the best. I had just swallowed when i Blake's deep voice whisper close to my ear so only I could hear.
"If you don't keep that mouth quite i'll give you something to scream about princess". I didn't understand what he meant but it sent shivers down my spine.

My eyes shot to the door as I heard the bell chime indicating the door had been opened. Like I expected I saw Maeve coming in for her shift.
Maeve was my best friend of 2 years when I first started working at the diner. She is very outgoing and crazy but has the sweetest heart.
"Maebee!!!" I say as i jump out of my chair and skip towards her, Maebee is the nick name i gave her agesss ago.
"Hey cupcake, what are you doing here" she said with a grin on her face.
"Our friend Blake has moved back home so we are getting food with him and the boys", i say excited all over again that Blake is back.
"Oh so Blake must be the sexy man staring at you from that booth" she said making me giggle and turn around .
I make eye contact and see him smirk, i blush and turn back to Maeve.
"They're having a party for Blake tonight, want to watch movies in my room?" I ask looking at my shoes, nervous for her reply.
"They're having a party and you want to watch movies!"
"you know I don't like crowds..." I reply a bit embarrassed.
"No more excuse we are going to go to the party and YOU are going to have teenage fun!"
" I can't , Eli will never let me"  I say glancing over to the table to see the boys deep in conversation.
"You know" Maeve said with a tone that means she's planning trouble, "it's a big house, lots of people. He won't even know".
I've always had a hard time saying no to people, i hate disappointing others and Maeve looked so excited.
"Okay i guess that will be fine"
"Yessss" Maeve said picking me up and squeezing, "love u cupcake". I scrunch my face at the nickname she always calls me , "love you too maebee".

Blake's POV:
I watch her talk to the black haired girl, and felt as though I might wake up from a dream at any moment.
She was like a dream, with her smooth tanned skin and silk like hair. She made me feel like no other girl could ever satisfy me, only her.

I wrapped my hand around her thigh as we drove home, I could see her cheeks tint pink. It fed my ego, how I could make her feel, how she blushed at such an innocent touch.
As we pulled up to Eli's house I looked over to see Fifi lying motionless on Jacks shoulder, her eyes closed and her chest rising and falling gently. She looked so ethereal and perfect.
I felt anger surge through me as I saw Jack reach his arms around he to pick her up. I wanted his hands off her, she was mine to touch and hold.
I closed my fists hard digging my nails into my palm as i saw her wrap her arms around Jacks neck, legs around his waist and snuggle into him.
I couldn't cause a scene, Eli would murder me if he knew how much I needed her. He knew me better than anyone, he knew I would destroy her.
I walked inside not wanted to watch her in his arms any longer.

sorry my updates are super slow  :(

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