Chapter 20. A new home

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To say the current scenery was not the best... it would definitely be a lie.

To say she expected this particular sight to be in front of her as soon as she opened her eyes... it would most surely be unimaginable.

To say she wanted to scream and get as far away as possible from this specific view... this would be the truth.

To say she was unable to move a single part of her body to escape from the consequences of the current image... well this would be the sad reality.

A reality she was trying to deny with all her might, as she had already closed and opened her eyes at least a dozen times until now, still hopeful that the current picture, was nothing but a life like dream, but a dream nonetheless.

But try as she may, she had no choice but to accept what her eyes were currently glimpsing at, even though she would never dare think of this matter happening. 

How would she dare, when what greeted her vision as soon as her eyelids opened, revealing the hazel eyes beneath them, was the sleeping face of the man whose real identity she had barely been made aware of, just the previous night.

How and why was she currently on the same bed as Zane, with the latter having his arms wrapped around her, holding her close in an intimate embrace? And the frightening part was not only that... no, the terrifying part was that she also had her arm around his waist.

She had only managed to relax a few hours ago, thinking she would return to the mansion where the distance between them would become the same as before or even longer. But now she was currently closer to him than ever before.

Was this happening because she had thought the distance would lengthen, so the prediction fulfilled itself backwards?

Then, she wished the distance between them would shorten, and this way hopefully, the opposite would come true. But how would things work in Aria's favor so conveniently? 

As soon as she thought of this wish, Zane shifted in his sleep but instead of moving away from her, he tightened his arms around the small woman, holding her even firmer than before. It was already difficult to escape previously, that was why she had not dared move recklessly as she would surely wake him up if she did, but now it was no longer difficult, it had become impossible.

With one of his arms under her head as the hand was kept securely on her back, with the other over her small shoulders, and his face at a dangerously close distance away, the small woman was trapped with no way out.

How did she get in this situation? 

Three hours earlier

'Hello mister Black. Hope you have been well!' The doorman greeted the man who was currently entering the door, dragging behind him a small beautiful pregnant woman.

'Hello!' Zane greeted and passed by him, but remembering something stopped and looked towards the young man again.

'This is my wife. She will be living in my apartment from now on.' Zane stated, and after letting the man get a better glimpse of the woman, to remember her in the future, walked on his way again.

'Yes mister Black, understood sir!' The man replied and returned to his post.

The young man should have also greeted the woman as well, now that he had been introduced. It was not that he was rude in any way that he hadn't, but Zane had left too quickly for him to do so. It seemed that the mister that lived on the top floor was quite a possessive man, he thought.

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