Chapter 47. Time is short and fickle

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"Are you sure you don't want to go home?" Zane asked worried.

Besides getting her verbal confirmation, his eyes were also checking her every change in expression. Aria never had things she requested of him, she almost never asked him anything for that matter. Even things concerning his working schedule, decisions, she never expressed a personal opinion regarding them.

This would be a perfect situation for any man to have, even more so for Zane, whose company required more time and attention than a normal working man needed to direct towards his work. Her understanding and quiet personality should have been ideal for him.

But for the somber man who was quite the novice in a loving relationship, it would only add trouble if he could not guess her real mood accurately. Aria would most likely endure everything on her small shoulders rather than inconvenience him in anyway. And this could easily be proven by the fact that she had kept her insecurities about their relationship tightly inside of her heart, enduring until the very last moment before she actually told him how she felt.

As such he always checked her face and body language as thoroughly as possible to verify the accuracy of her answer.

Her state of mind and health were of utmost importance to him, and these days even more so because of the last period of time that remained of her pregnancy.

The doctor had specified that the twins although healthy were smaller than they should be at this stage. This fact coupled with the notion that Aria had been in a coma for her second trimester, caused the medical staff to repeatedly advise Zane that her body was more frail than usual, so he had to be as careful as possible in all matters that concerned her, whether it was her mental health or her physical one.

It was after all, the reason that made them visit the doctor's office every week. It was also because of this, that Zane delayed in informing Aria of the contract that existed between him and her until after she gave birth.

Thus if he felt the slightest indication from her part that she was really feeling unwell, he would leave with her in a heartbeat.

"I'm sure. I just need to rest for a little while." Aria affirmed once again, smiling serenely to calm his concerned heart. His darting eyes that moved between her eyes probingly would not settle down otherwise.

In all honesty, there was nothing she wanted more at this time than to go home. The embarrassment from before was too much for her to bear...

As soon as her song had finished, all the employees from inside the ballroom started to enthusiastically clap their hands, and with their applauses, the reality that she had sung in front of hundreds of people came crashing down.

Until that point she had seen nobody other than Zane, she had kept only him in her eyes as the lyrics came from her mouth, but the thunderous claps brought her back to reality.

She was not sure, if everyone really liked how she sang, or if they were only showing their support because of who she was... but she was in absolutely no mood to check the real reason.

Her legs felt like they were about to give out from under her, and she was only able to still keep standing because of Zane, who had immediately supported her.

The awkwardness and the adrenaline rush that took a toll on her body showed on her face almost instantly. And even without her asking to, Zane quickly excused themselves for a bit and took Aria to a resting room.

But besides of an agitated state of mind caused by the fluctuation of her feelings, her general physical state was still alright. And even if it wasn't, she couldn't just leave at the drop of a hat. Just now when they entered the room, Ryan had followed behind Zane reminding him of the things he still had to deal with for the night, with the most important being his speech.

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