Chapter 48. Life changing choices

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"Where are they?" A hoarse deep voice asked in the deafening silence. The volume of said voice was neither too soft nor too loud, it could even be said that it was only a bit tired, if it was to be explained in some way.

The face of the person who had asked this question could also somewhat be described in a similar manner. His expressionless visage was only perhaps a few shades darker than normal, but otherwise the statue like man looked quite calm.

Though the straight standing posture and the sharp gaze directed to the double glass doors in front of him could cause those around to doubt, if he was capable of expressing any human like emotions. Coupled with his black tight fitted suit and ice blue eyes, no one dared to casually approach him, no matter what motive they could have to do so.

Even Ryan, his assistant, whether only coincidently or not, reported the answer to his question from a few feet away.

"The bodyguards just messaged. The daughter has already arrived and is guided to the current floor, it should take no longer than five minutes. The parents are right behind also."

Normally, the capable assistant would always use respectful language when talking about any person Zane was asking him about, whether it was the name of a country's president or a normal person's on the street. But knowing Zane's personality and mood right now, he only used "the daughter" and "the parents" to talk about the people who were about to arrive, rather than their names preceded by Mrs. and Mr..

Finishing relaying his information, he did not wait for the somber man's acknowledgment or further orders, and stood quietly by the side. As far as confirming whether he heard the words correctly or understood them accurately, considering the iciness that went down a few degrees further after he learnt of the location of those people, there was no need for it. Zane had heard him clear enough.

And concerning other orders, there was nothing that occupied Zane's entire mind right now other than two important matters, his wife's current state and those people's arrival. Naturally, everything else was pushed to the side indefinitely, until those problems were resolved.

So there was nothing that Ryan could help Zane with more at this moment, before talking to those people. Though Ryan was sure that this problem was still too little in comparison, with the most ardent concern of the president. And how could it not, when it involved the safety of three people.

"Zane, how is Aria?" Malcom worriedly asked, as he came running down the hallway. There was no question for his sincerity, he was almost out of breath in his hurriedness to reach this floor from the cardio department.

A sincerity that Zane could hear in his voice, even though he had not turned to look towards his friend at all. He only kept staring at the glass door, as though he was able to see through it, able to see her.

"We do not know anything yet of Mrs. Black's state. Since she was rushed to the investigation room, no doctor has come out yet to inform us of her current health." Ryan replied instead of Zane. The latter hadn't asked him to answer, but he did not show any intention of answering himself this question. Just like before, how would he still be his assistant for all these years if he couldn't read the man's intentions?

"I shouldn't have left. I am sorry, I..." Malcom started to explain as the color drained from his face, even more so than from when he hurried down the hallway.

As a doctor employed by this hospital, with patients that only he could handle no matter what hour of the day it was needed, he hadn't done anything wrong in his course of actions. A single minute of hesitation could result in a person's life, and Malcom had still hovered for a few more minutes, before finally having no choice but to leave Aria's side.

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