Chapter 26. The president's closest people

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'Is it really alright for me to enter his office? Even Zane's secretary is not at her desk, what if it will upset him?' Aria asked worried with a hushed voice as she was gathering her courage to enter Zane's office.

She was already feeling under the weather because of the earlier incident, and the scrutiny of the people that had their offices along the long corridor on the top floor, who seemed to have stopped working as she passed by, did not make her situation any better. Perhaps she was just too conscious of herself, but as all the offices possessed mostly glass walls, through which the people inside could clearly see who was passing by, and they kept staring at her, following with their eyes her moving figure... Was she just too sensitive because of the new environment?

What Aria was not aware of, was the fact that not only there hadn't ever been any pregnant women walking on the top floor dressed in homely clothes led by Zane's personal assistant, who was a person who only accompanied very important people to the president's office himself, otherwise for other people his assistants would show them the way... the fact that said personal assistant was also carrying her puppy, though the president absolutely abhorred pets, was even more astonishing. 

The view causing the workers to wonder about the important identity of the person, who had the ability to leisurely bring her pet to the president's office, without the slightest care for the consequences. The maid by her side only deepening their curiosity about the position of the pregnant lady.

'My lady, you are the president's wife, have a bit more confidence in yourself. It's alright. Go inside and wait, the assistant said no one is allowed to enter at their own will, so nobody would bother you until the master comes, you can rest comfortably. I will go and heat up the food again. Because of the delay I doubt it's still warm.' Anne assured the small woman who was cuddling once more the puppy in her arms. Ryan had given it back to her as he went to bring Zane over.

Even Anne by this time felt they really shouldn't have come and was sorry she had suggested it to her lady. Not that she thought Zane would be against it. No, it was because Aria appeared more pale and frail than usual, and it made the protective maid feel wronged for her mistress. But in the end what was done was done, they could only get over the lunch break then leave for the apartment. Anyway, she was certain that the master would be able to lift up Aria's spirit.

Aria nodded her head and proceeded to open Zane's office's door, as Anne left in search of a secretary who could point her towards the floor's pantry.

Timidly turning  slowly the doorknob, she entered the office with small steps, feeling even more uncomfortable than when Zane had brought her to the apartment. At least at that time he was with her. Now she was intruding in his personal space by herself.

The large office was exactly as Zane's apartment, as the only colors that dominated the interior design were mostly black and white, with only geometrical objects to decorate the walls and various pieces of furniture.

Feeling a bit faint with Pudding also struggling in her arms, Aria approached one of the two couches that were placed in the center of the office facing each other.

Comfortably seated, she let Pudding sit on the couch as well, but did not let the feisty pet come down from his seat, keeping him in place fearing the furry ball would cause some damages while playing.

'Who are you? How dare you just enter the president's office as you please?' A high pitched voice loudly spoke, making Aria jump on her feet, with the strain of the fast movements on her waist manifesting itself in a sharp pain and her anemia worsening.

'I-I'm here...' Suppressing her face from showing any signs of pain, Aria wanted to motivate her presence in this place by trying to let the woman know that Ryan had brought her here.

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