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Annabeth woke up like normal. She got ready as usual. Excitement buzzed through her cabinmates at the thought of the war games that evening and other events beforehand. Annabeth and Percy had teamed up in the chariot racing like always, and she already sketched out a drawing, ready to build with the help of her Seaweed Brain after breakfast.

"Can't wait to get this going!" Cavas sang beside her, brushing out the tangles in her dark black hair.

"Same!" Annabeth replied.
"Good luck to you and Percy for the cabin prizes!"

"Thanks, Cavas."

The breakfast horn sounded and Annabeth went to the door.

"Alright! You know the lineup! There's no Romans in our cabin so normal  walk the dining pavilion!"

Malcolm, Cavas, and the other seventeen children of Athena nodded as Annabeth opened the door, leading her cabin to their dining table. They sat, waiting as the other cabins streamed in, sitting at their tables. Annabeth glanced over at the Poseidon's cabin, Percy not there.

That's strange. He's usually one of the first ones here.
Annabeth pushed back the worry. He probably slept in after she kicked his butt in capture the flag last night. They had fought each other, and she took him down hard. All these years and he still couldn't beat her one on one in capture the flag. It was great.

Chiron, in centaur form, galloped to the pavilion once everyone was seated.

Annabeth looked back at Poseidon's table. Still no Percy. Jason met her gaze from his table. He seemed to notice who was missing too.

Chiron raised his goblet.

"Romans, Greeks, welcome to our first full day of summer! As you know, we're going to spend this weekend together, doing tournaments, games. If you still wish to sign up and participate, it's not too late..."
"Chiron! Chiron!"

Bracken from the Are's cabin, who was supposed to be on border patrol this morning, came running to the pavillion, holding a ripped orange cloth in his hands.

"What is the matter, my boy?" Chiron asked, galloping to the boy.

Bracken grabbed his knees, gasping for air. Annabeth was up on her feet, coming over to find out what was wrong. She hoped it was anything but Percy. As she got closer, she noticed the orange cloth was a torn Camp Half-Blood shirt.

"What's wrong?" She demanded, trying to keep her tone soft, but it came out rude.

"I was patrolling, making sure everything was okay, but... but I found this at the side of the road. It looked ripped off someone."
Chiron took the shirt, looking at the tag, which had the number 3 on it.

"It's from the Poseidon's cabin. What else, Bracken?"

"This. It seemed to be crushed from tires or something. Ripped too."

Bracken pulled out a bead necklace, some beads crushed, the cord ripped apart from itself. Annabeth cupped her hands and Bracken placed it in her palms, careful not to lose the broken pieces.
Annabeth would recognize it anywhere. It was Percy's.

"It's his." She turned to Chiron. He stared at the necklace in her hands, obviously shocked at what had happened. Annabeth was shocked too. So shocked, she didn't even cry. She didn't know what to think.

Her throat seemed to close, her heart seemed to shatter. He was gone. He was gone again. What god did it this time?

"It wasn't a god." Jason seemed to read her thoughts, standing beside her. "They don't force people like that. Percy was literally taken forcefully."

Annabeth nodded slightly. He was right. As Hera did, Percy would have just disappeared into thin air. They wouldn't have torn his shirt and all that stuff like this.

Trying to keep her voice level, Annabeth turned to the staring demigods. Piper had tears running down her face. Reyna's eyes were narrowed. Frank put his arm over Hazel, who had a hand over her mouth and trying to force down a sob.

"Has anyone seen Percy Jackson?" She demanded. "Does anyone know anything that happened?"
No one answered. Finally, Leo's sibling Nyssa stood.

"I thought I heard someone walking past my window last night, but I didn't think much of it. It happens sometimes, you know? It looked like Percy but I couldn't tell."

"Why didn't you say something?" Leo asked.

Nyssa shrugged.

"People sneak out of cabins all the time. I figured it was a couple hanging out last night, or someone heading towards the Big House. I mean, that was the direction the figure went. But, that's all I know."
"Nyssa has a point," Clarisse said. "No one blames this on her. We'd all do the same."

"Annabeth, why don't we go check his cabin? See if something there will help us." Reyna offered, walking over.

She turned to the campers.

"Everyone, continue your normal activities and duties. We will handle this matter. Come, Annabeth."

Reyna guided Annabeth towards the cabins.

"Thanks for getting me out before I broke in front of them." Annabeth sighed.

"I understand that problem."
They entered Cabin 3. It was the way it was before. The bedsheets were pulled back as if Percy had gotten out of bed.

"He wasn't taken in here," Annabeth said. "It would be messy and someone would have heard."
"I agree." Reyna walked over to a folded paper on Percy's nightstand.

She reads it, looking over.

"Did you write this?"
Annabeth took the paper reading what it said.

"Meet at midnight? This isn't even my handwriting. And Percy knows I don't like meeting at night since the harpies are out. I even told him last night I was tired and going to bed."
"Maybe he thought you were kidding. But, he must have gone to Thalia's tree. Someone lured him there. Someone took Percy."
Annabeth sighed, sitting on the edge of Percy's bed, feeling tears finally fall down her face.

"I can't lose him again. Not again. Not again."
Reyna sat beside her, putting her arm over Annabeth's shoulders, pulling her into a hug.

Annabeth cried on the praetor's shoulder, shuddering at the thought of what would happen to her boyfriend, to her Percy. Oh, gods, where was he? Was he okay?

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