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"It's been a week, and nothing." Reyna sighed, sitting back in her chair.

The Romans left the other day, except Reyna and Hazel. Frank wanted to stay, but the Legion still needed at least one praetor. Reyna figured they'd do okay for the time Reyna was gone. Frank was going to be sending expeditions out around the camp in California, searching for any signs of the missing demigod.

As for Annabeth, Reyna's heart broke for her. She understood having to be strong while shattered on the inside, especially as a leader or in front of people. Which is one of the reasons Reyna stayed. She couldn't remember anyone else who cried to her as much as Annabeth did when they were alone in Percy's cabin. Aside from being alone with Reyna or by herself, Annabeth had kept her emotions in check when around everyone else, even when Percy's name was mentioned.

Reyna didn't realize she had missed the majority of what Jason was trying to say. A small group, Piper, Annabeth, Jason, Leo, Hazel, and Reyna, met up in the Big House's living room, discussing their progress on tracking Percy so far. Not much luck.

"What about Grover?" Piper asked. "Their empathic link."
"He can't get through," Leo argued. "Nothing we've tried, magic, mechanical, machines, dreams, nothing goes through."
"Has a god tried or something?" Hazel asked.

Reyna shook her head.

"I've already asked Thalia to talk to Artemis. Thalia told me Artemis couldn't find anything herself. She even asked Apollo. Nothing."
"What about Poseidon?" Jason asked. "Can't he sense him or something?"
"I doubt it. Wherever Percy is, the gods were unaware of the treachery, and they have no way of locating him. We have to search for him, find out as much information here as we can. We need to keep an eye out on..."
Annabeth gasped, staring at Reyna as if she'd grown a third eye.

"Keep an eye. Of course! Cameras!"
"Cameras?" Jason asked.

Annabeth got up, motioning for Reyna and Jason.

"Rest of you stay here. You two, follow me. If I remember correctly, it's old, may not work but..."

Annabeth ran outside, Reyna and Jason following the pursuit.

Annabeth stopped at the corner of the Big House, the side facing the road. She pointed to a small black disk at the side. Reyna had never noticed, but she smiled slightly.

"We may have some footage. But where could we see it?"

"Leo!" Jason cried, the scrawny kid making his way to them, running like a madman.

"Did you find something?"

"Yes. Think you can find a way to watch the footage from that?"
Leo stood under the camera.

Leo was lifted into the air by a blast of wind Jason summoned. As he inspected the camera with his Hephaestus kid senses, Reyna glanced back down at the spot the bead necklace was found. It seemed normal, with no tire marks, or anything else useful.

"It's about ten years old," Leo confirmed, once back on the ground. "From what I sense, the wires connect to a device inside. My guess, Chiron's computer."

They hurried back into the Big House, Jason gathering Piper and Hazel to follow.

Leo turned on the computer, finding the file for the camera. He rewinded the footage to last Friday night.

"There!" Piper pointed at a figure sitting by Thalia's tree.

The figure wore all black, a ball cap on their head.

Leo turned the volume all the way up, zooming in slightly.

Percy approached the top of the hill.

"Annabeth, what's up?"
The stranger jumped to his feet. In Annabeth's voice went,

"Race you."
The stranger raced down the hill. Percy hesitated before following, running into the stranger at the edge of the road. The stranger turned, revealing a face covered by a mask. Percy backed up, but a huge, muscular guy came from behind, grabbing him, and putting a hand over his mouth.

"Oh gods, Percy, no," Annabeth muttered, gripping Reyna's hand.

They watched the whole thing, Percy being chained, thrown in a car that pulled up, and driving off.

"We know what happened now, guys. And a license plate." Leo noted.

Reyna glanced at Annabeth, her hand being crushed by Annabeth's grip. The poor girl stared at the scene where Percy had disappeared. On the hill, Clarisse took watch by the tree, hardly noticing the ripped shirt on the ground below due to the darkness.

"Guys, someone go get Chiron," Piper ordered.

"Look!" Hazel pointed above the computer screen, the air shimmering from an Iris message.

Everyone gasped at the person on the other end.

Percy Jackson KidnappedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz