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Annabeth ran down the hall, gripping a knife and gun in each hand, whichever may come first. The Order 7 facility was simple to find after looking through the forests of Pennsylvania.

Jason ran beside her, spear gripped in his hand.

"Where is he?" She demanded.

"One of these rooms. Has to be." Jason replied, pulling Annabeth out of sight as a couple of guards ran past. Without hesitating, Annabeth shot both of them, a bomb bag falling hard on the ground.

"Don't touch that. They may be activated." Jason warned.
"I know, I know," Annabeth grumbled, leading the way down the halls again, trying to open a door that said A1 LAB.

"Here," Jason said at another door, breaking the doorknob.

Annabeth ran over as the door opened, revealing a blood-stained floor, with chains hanging from the walls. On the ground, black hair was everywhere, along with a body-sized wooden board, with bloody screws, and a bucket of hot coals.

"This was his prison." Jason realized, walking in, and holding up the empty cuffs.

"What did they do to him?" Annabeth gasped, taking in the sight of fresh blood splatters on the ground.

"We'll find him. Don't worry." Jason assured. "No one has left yet. They couldn't have made it far."

Rushing out of the room, they ran into a few more guards, all barely able to scream before they were shot.

Jason stopped for a second, putting a finger to his lips. Realizing what he meant, Annabeth heard beeping over an intercom.

Without warning, Jason tackled Annabeth's body, shielding her as the building exploded. 

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