An Eventful Christmas indeed

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Three days went in a blur and the day me and Amanda were waiting to eagerly came. The day before Christmas. The day grandpa John will come.

We both waited eagerly the whole day but he didn't come. That was really not like him. He always comes on time. We were about to ask our parents when the doorbell rang and Amanda went to open the door.

"Hey mom, there is parcel saying it's from grandpa. Why would he send a parcel when he will be here?"  Amanda asked.

"Well sweetie ah, " dad hesitated a bit, " The thing is grandpa is not coming this year"

"What! What do you mean he is not coming, " we both exclaimed together.

"Honey, he went to a trip with his friends this year and that's why he sent the gifts via courier, " mom explained.

"How long have you both known this? " I asked.

"A month, " dad said in a low voice.

I was shocked.

A month and you are telling us just now and that also because we saw the parcel, " Amanda said getting a little mad.

"We didn't want you guys to be gloomy all this whole and it was your grandpa's suggestion not to tell you guys, " said dad.

"Okay. It's not like we can do anything about it. He also has a life there and he has all the right to have fun with friends, right Amanda?, " I said to lighten up the mood.

"Yaa you are right, " Amanda said.

We both were really excited for grandpa's visit. I had so much to tell him, about my new school, new friends and what not. But that's okay I guess. We will have a video call with him. That's the least we could do.

We both eagerly waiting for the clock to strike 12 so thay we can exchange our presents. Even though we both are in senior year but when it comes to gifts on Christmas no one can match our enthusiasm.
But before the gift exchanging we had one more important thing to do that is call grandpa. We decided to call him one minute before 12 so that we could be the first one to wish him Merry Christmas.

"Hey grandpa," we both said together.

"Hello my munchkins," he replied." How are my lovely granddaughters?"

"Currently upset with you," replied Amanda.

"Sorry girls but your grandpa need to chill with his friends too,you know".

Grandapa John is like this. Full of life and full of fun. He is very optimistic person.

"You are forgiven grandpa," I replied from both our behalves.

Just then clock struck 12 and we wished grandpa a very merry Christmas.

He ended the call saying he had to join his group.

And it was time for presents. We first wished Merry Christmas to each other and mom and dad and then proceeded to open the gifts.
As always we both were really excited.

I handed them all their gifts and they gave me mine. We decided to open them one by one starting from the eldest member that is dad.

Mom gifted dad a shirt, Amanda gave him a beautiful pair of cufflinks and as for me I gifted him a watch. Grandpa sent a pair of shoes for dad.

" They are really nice all of you. Thank you so much, very thoughtful too".

Next up was mom.

Dad bought a beautiful coat, Amanda gifted her a pair of earrings and I brought her a pair of nude color heels. For mom grandpa sent a beautiful bracelet. It was really nice.

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