Let's make covalent bond

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Trisha' s POV

As per the request/order of coach Mike I agreed to tutor Shawn for four days and prepare him for the test. I was even more relieved when Amanda said that she had no issues with it.
As I was waiting for Shawn at my house fully prepared to teach him everything and just then the door bell rang and I went to open the door.

"I didn't count you as punctual", I commented on him.

" Well what can I say. I am full of surprises ", he said with his usual smirk.

" Well then let's get started, Mr Allen coz we don't have the whole day", I said.

"So, what is the topic? ", he asked.

" Oh my god. You don't even know what chapter we are going to study. You are unbelievable. I guess you are afterall full of surprises, "I said.

" It's not my fault. I was busy with the practice and all. So pls stop taunting me and teach me", he said.

"It's hydrocarbon compounds", I told him.

" Oh man no. I hate hydrocarbons. It's complicated stuff. I was so confused in the previous year too. ", he whined like a child.

" Okay I get it. We can work through it. Relax. I am an expert in hydrocarbons. Let's start with the basics", I tried to calm him.

"What's the compound called when carbon and carbon have single bond,double bond and then triple bond? ", I asked.

" Alkanes, alkenes,Alkynes", he replied.

"Good at least you know the basics", I complimented him.

We didn't even notice how the one and a half hours passed. Shawn thanked me for helping him and gave me his address so that I can get there tomorrow and then left.
He is a fast learner. Well I think he has some issues with chemistry only cause all I know is that he is also a top student. I mean I remember the first test results of literature and he had an A. I was so shocked. In short he is not that bad.

Shawn's POV

The whole study hours went well with Trisha yesterday. Yaa she didn't miss a chance to taunt me but it was fun. She is an excellent tutor maybe the best one can have. Today she was coming to my house as per our agreement.

I was waiting for the clock to hit 4. Don't know why but just wanted to see her. Moving on, as the clock hit 3:58 I went out of my house to look for her and there she was in her cute shorts and pink T-shirt coming toward me.

When she saw me her face glowed up and she started to run towards me and when she came near me she said something unimaginable.

"You are so cute", she said.

" Took you long enough to realise Cooper, "I said in a proud tone.

But when I turned to look at her my dream world crumbled. There she was petting Bruno, my dog, with so much adoration and love in her eyes.

" Why didn't you tell me you have a dog. I would have been here sooner, "she said and added " I love dogs but we can't have one cause Amanda doesn't like them. It's not like she hates them or something but she doesn't want one at home. I have to go to dogs' shelter to see these cuties.

All this time I was just looking at her. How she was talking about dogs with so much love. I think that's why Bruno was so comfortable with her.

"Oh you are so cute. Who's the good boy. Who's the good boy", she started talking to Bruno in a voice like when we talk to babies or dogs you know.

" Yaa we bought Bruno four years back. We waited for my brother to grow up a little and when he turned 4 we got Bruno", I told her the story.

"Oh so you have a younger brother. An eight year old. That's cute", she said.

" Yaa wait till you meet him", I told her remembering all Tyler's mischiefs.

"Well I have you handled. I am sure he will not be more mischievous than you. Right? ", she said and then chuckled.

" Okay now before I change my mind and take Bruno with me to play, let's get to study", she said. "Where is your brother by the way", she further asked.

" He is with my mom. She took him with her to the store for shopping ", I replied.

" Oh okay let's get started then", I said in a determined voice.

After that we studied with full concentration with some interference from Bruno. He really liked Trisha. Just before Trisha was going home, mom and Tyler returned.

Trisha greeted my mother and as any other mother my mom started to complain about me just to pull my leg.

I introduced Trisha to the trouble maker of our house aka my younger brother Tyler and she bonded well with him in just few minutes. I guess she has a way around kids.

"Hey Allen, I just have one thing to say", she said.

" Go on say it? ", I told her.

" Your mom is beautiful and I saw a family photo and your dad is handsome too and what can I say about little Tyler he is adorable and Bruno my love.", she said.

"Well thank you", I said cutting her talk in between and then she said what she actually wanted to say.

" Well then what's wrong with you. Did your parents had a child swap at the hospital ", she said controlling her laugh.

" Ha ha ha ha not funny. And many girls would disagree with what you just m said", I said proudly.

"Self obsessed", she commented and "plus I am not like many girls you see. I like to say what's true. See you tomorrow Allen" and then she left.

The next two days went in a blink. Trisha taught me everything so well that I got a B+ in the test.

We had so much fun in these 4 days. She is funny too and her laugh, it's contagious. She is too focused on what's she does. She was so strict while teaching me and so fun when we had our break time.

She is really something. I remembered she was more nervous than me when Mrs Pearson was distributing the test results. She even had her fingers crossed and was so relieved when she saw that B+. She is an amazing girl. Beauty with brains. Even my mother liked her and her manners. The way she talked to her when they met.

The bottom line of all this is that I can play match plus I have someone who can help me with chemistry and Trisha had finally started to open up with me.

What the!!!!!! Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora