The Wedding and other shenanigans

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                        Trisha's POV

Today I am leaving for India with my uncle's family. Before, I was really feeling uneasy to go there as it will be my first time after maa and papa passed away plus I was upset leaving Amanda, mom and dad but now I am a little relieved after what happened at the prom. I needed this getaway. One more reason being that I won't be able to hide it from Amanda or Jer for much longer. So, now I am leaving for the wedding and that also early. We are going there 2 and a half weeks prior to the wedding to get everything done. Well the bookings and arrangements have all been done by uncle with the help of our relatives there but some things like shopping and other small stuffs were still pending. That's why we decided to leave this early. Well it's not early in Indian household. We need so much time to prepare for a wedding that also of someone else and here it's in our own house. But still we will manage.

I hugged mom and Amanda one last time saying goodbye and left for the airport with dad. I was to meet others there. We reached the airport and they were waiting for me. So, I gave dad a big hug and went to them and then we entered the airport.

We reached India at night approx 11pm. My uncle, my mom's biological brother, he came to pick us up. We were going to stay at their house as most of are other relatives live in Punjab but the groom's relatives are in Delhi, so it was decided that the wedding would be here and one of the few relatives that we have here is my uncle. Well technically it was my old house as well. When my mom and dad came back from the US, my grandma took them in and they built another floor and we used to stay there.

As we were getting closer to the house my anxiousness was increasing. I was feeling really uneasy. I think mami(aunt) noticed it as she grabbed my hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. I looked at her and smiled though it didn't reach my eyes.

We reached home and I greeted my aunt and cousins. As we all were jet lagged so we just retired to our beds without having any proper conversation. Next morning when we all felt rejuvenated after a good sleep,then it felt that we were in India. We had our breakfast and a lot of conversations about here and there. But that house was reminding me of maa and papa. Though it was all good when I was around people but it was becoming difficult not to go down to the memory lane when I was alone and along with that was the thought of Shawn. How I left without talking to him. I didn't message him or tried to call as whatever conversation we were supposed to have, it was meant to happen face to face. To avoid thinking all this, I tried keeping myself busy with anything like playing with my cousins or helping my aunts in household chores etc etc.

Two weeks passed and we were all done with shopping and stuff. I bought different Indian outfits for different functions and we gave them to the tailor for stitching and they turned out awesome. Now that the wedding date was almost here it became like a madhouse with different relatives coming and all.

Uncle had booked a hotel for all the functions, so we all went there three days before the wedding for all the functions.

If you are thinking that I forgot about Shawn and everything so no I haven't. Doesn't matter how busy I made myself, he popped up in my brain somehow. I so wanted to talk to him properly. That day I just ran from there like some cold hearted person.

We reached the hotel and the groom's side was already there and yes with everyone I meant he was also there. The one and only Mr. Neel Khanna. The moment he saw us his lips turned into a smirk and I knew the reason. It was because he found his victim to tease and yup that's me.

He came running towards us and let me tell you it didn't fit well with my other cousins. They already had problems because I was close with the bride and her brothers aka my cousin's, so they were like "why she is getting the attention" and all.  And now this idiot too.

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