Growth is necessary

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*Amauri's perspective *

It's 3am and I wake up out of my sleep to the sound of shouting but I'm not sure who it could be at this time of night . I briefly slip out of my bed and tip toe over to the door to place my ear on it . I jump a little at the coldness of the door touching my ear . I can hardly hear so I slightly open the door just enough to be able to hear without being noticed .

The shouting voice becomes clear and to no surprise, it's my mother. " What do you mean you don't have it ?" Her voice sounding harsh and cold . " Well you ought to find a new place to call home because you aren't allowed here until you come up with it!" . I stand there still for a moment contemplating what could be so important that she's shouting at 3am . More importantly , who is she talking to ?

I snap back to reality as I feel my feet growing cold on the hard wood floor . The season has shifted to fall , so it's beginning to get a little nippy outside and mom doesn't believe in turning on the heat for whatever reason.she suggests that we don't touch the thermostat or it will cost us. literally.

I walk quickly yet lightly back to my bed , but just before I climb into bed the floor creaks . I paused for a moment , scared that my mom would storm in while I was up eavesdropping. "Who's that and what are you doing awake?" She says with a hint of bitterness in her voice. I pause for a moment,thinking of what I should say . "Hello?" She says impatiently . "It's me mom , I just had to use the restroom" i say , my voice cracking. She says nothing.

I quietly climb back into bed pulling the covers over my head . I wonder what upset her . I remember I have to be up in a few hours for school , and not to mention it's going to be my first day of tenth grade . I've been transferred to a new school and I didn't go yesterday which was the official first day due to a small inconvenience, but I'm sure I didn't miss anything too important. I lay there pondering on this new journey ahead of me as I nod off into a deep sleep . Who knows how tomorrow may turn out .

First chapter down !! Let's see what happens next :)

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