What's mine is yours

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*The alarm sounds*

I jump to the sound of my alarm , hurriedly looking for my phone to turn it off before it awakens the rest of the house . I'm the only one who gets up at 7am , just an hour after my mom has already left for work . My mother works as a cafeteria manager over at my old elementary school .

She is one of three people who prepares the breakfast and lunch for the children, managing everything and keeping things under control in their kitchen . She is very kind to her coworkers and associates at work . It's very hard to tell who she really is  behind that smile and boisterous laugh of hers . If only they knew.

I climb out of bed and go to my closet to decide what to wear for my first day . I take a look at the clothes in my drawer and closet and I think to myself, I know I have more clothes than this . Where are my clothes?

I have siblings who will help themselves to anything in my drawer. I can honestly say nothing rightfully belongs to me and if it does , it won't be long before they get their hands on it . I have shirts I'm still looking for till this day. That's what I strongly dislike about having all sisters. All of our menstrual cycles come on , one after another . Which means I hardly catch a break as well . I stand up ,  nearly falling over from squatting too long but I catch myself and walk over to the neighboring room which belongs to my older sister , angel .

Angel is dark-skinned and petite with long black hair and dark brown eyes. She's 2 years older than me but I'm taller than her , so people assume I'm older . As I walk in , I'm about to ask her if she's seen my off-the-shoulder white top but no need for that . She's wearing it. "Did you ask me could you wear my shirt?" I ask . She pauses and I fold my arms waiting for her response. "I'm just borrowing it for a day Amauri you'll get it back" . I can't even see her face because her back is turned while she puts on her white and silver sandals to match .

I can't lie , she wore it well . "Well let me borrow one of your shirts. It's my first day and I need to be ready in 30 mins or I'll miss the bus." I say slightly irritated. "Look in there" she signals to her closet which looks a mess . "How the hell am I supposed to look through all that?" I say furiously . "You know what never mind I don't have time for this." I say walking out the room . I must've been walking a little too fast because I bump into my younger sister Mercedes on the way out , causing her to fall to the floor .

Mercedes is my favorite sister. We haven't always been the best of sisters , but over the years somehow we became inseparable. She's someone I could trust in this house...to an extent. "Sorry" I say not stopping because I'm now furious , in pain and I'm in a rush . I check the time . "Shit" I mumbled. It's 7:15 and the bus will be up the street by 7:30 . I quickly throw on pair of jeans , a light pink polo shirt and my Air Force 1's. I brush my thick curls into a neat bun and add a little dazzle to my edges with some eco styler, fill in my brows and put on some mascara.Casual and comfortable for my first day. I grab my book bag off the shelf and take the shortcut to the bus top . I made it just in time .

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