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The next time Ella had chance to look up at the clock two hours had already passed. She must have rung through over a thousand dollars single handed. By the time the game had actually started everyone in the bar was beyond merry and the atmosphere was buzzing. Ella wiped down the spilled beer off the top of the bar whilst Josie quickly ran to collect the empties from the nearby table. They made such a great team, Josie loved that Ella was proactive and didn't need instruction and Ella loved that Josie was laid back and trusted her to do what she thought was right. The punters loved the banter between the two with Ella making age jokes and Josie making blonde jokes. They were a force to be reckoned with this game day – Ella was adamant no one was going to wait over three minutes to get served.

Ella was unwinding with a rum and coke bought by one of the customers as the game finished. Dolphins won 24-6. Most of the bar cleared out when the game had a finished but there were a couple of large groups and the regulars that stayed behind. Josie began stacking the dishwasher as Ella ran the bar for the remaining customers, the next two hours felt four times slower than the last six hours. It was 8pm when Ella and Josie cracked out the deck of cards, there was only five regulars and one group of four presumably college kids left in the bar so Ella decided she would teach Josie how to play rummy. Rummy – a popular British card game – is when each player is dealt 7 cards, they have to make a 4 and a 3 from the cards of a straight run or same number, there is a deck of the left over cards in the middle and you keep picking up and putting down until you've got the two hands.
Josie was surprisingly good and Ella was beginning to regret playing for $5 per game. $25 down, Ella threw in her cards.

"Well I'm going to do some work, you know... Can't be playing with cheaters." Ella stropped.

"Cheaters? It's your game Els." Josie smirked.

"Shut up yeah." Ella threw the wet rag at Josie.

"Sore loser are we?" Josie laughed.

Ella sauntered round the bar rearranging the beer mats and checking if anyone else needed a drink when the bar door swung open and the loudest scream burst through.


It was a very drunk Adam headed in Ella's direction arms wide open.

"Oh hey Ad, had a drink have we?"

"Shhh! Only a little one!"

Ella giggled and pulled him a stool up at the bar.

Adam was closely followed by around ten of his works friends. All dressed smartly in shirts and trousers; Adam was the not-so-sore thumb in his three quarter length red chinos and white V-neck t-shirt, he was rocking it as always.

"LETS DO SHOTS!" Adam screamed.

All the guys cheered him on in unison; Adam ordered 24 patron shots and Josie's eyes turned to dollar signs like in the cartoons. She quickly ushered Ella back behind the bar to get the glasses ready to which she obliged. The guys all threw back the shots one after another and they got louder with every mouthful (which Ella initially thought was impossible). Ella introduced Josie to Adam who then took over the introductory duties, the only two Ella really recognised was Jake and the womaniser Dayle.

The guys had dispersed into smaller groups but Adam remained at the bar in full flow chat with Ella for the next hour or so. The guys must have spent over $400 by now and Josie seemed to be doing a very good job at encouraging them to buy more. As Ella nipped into the back room to grab some more clean glasses Josie pulled her to one side:

"So Adam, gay right?" Josie asked.

"Yes I'm afraid so."

"Damn! What about the tall Abercrombie looking one?"

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