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The knife dropped from out of her hand and bounced onto the floor. She was trembling. She ran to the door and quickly locked it making sure she had bolted it shut.

She fell to her knees with her back against the door and let out a painful cry. Jake was right, he was never going to let her just get on with her life. She tried to pull herself to her feet but she winced in pain, instead she crawled to the living room where her purse was.

She grabbed her phone out of the bag and fell onto her side aching, she called Jake's number but couldn't get the words out to talk to him, she sobbed. He called her name a few times before hanging up; she hoped he was on his way over.

She reached into her purse and pulled out the compact mirror, she examined the injuries on her face. She had two black eyes that were already a deep shade of purple, a split lip, blood smudged over her face and dripping in her hair, the sight of her face made her feel squeamish. Tom had fucked her up. She knew there was no more making excuses for him anymore, if this is what he did to a woman he claimed he loved what was he capable of doing to a stranger?

Ella had struggled onto the sofa before she heard Jake banging on the door. He was screaming her name and kicking against the door trying to get in.

"I'm coming!" She puffed.

It took her a good minute to get the door and unlock it and when she opened it Jake came bursting in. Not even looking at her, he ran around the apartment checking the wardrobe and shower to see if anyone else was here. He charged into the kitchen and the sight of the blood on the floor must have frightened him. He was frozen to the spot for a minute before turning around to see Ella resting against the doorway bloodied and beaten.

"Ella!" He exclaimed rushing over to her.

He pulled her into a tight embrace. It caused her physical pain but she needed it so she didn't complain. He forced her to go to the hospital; he practically carried her to and from his car. Once the doctor had seen to her they were left alone for the first time since her apartment.

"I can't believe he did this to you!" Jake said sat in the chair at the side of her bed.

"You mean you don't believe my story of falling down the stairs?" Ella joked.

"Ella that's not funny, he could have killed you!"

"I know Jake; it works in your favour for court anyway."

"We don't need to talk about it, it doesn't matter. We just need to make sure you're safe."

There was a long pause between them both.

"If I testify, how would they going to stop him coming for me?" Ella asked.

"You'll have guards at the door and outside 24/7, you'll have a panic button as well, plus he'd have to find you first."

"What about court?" She continued.

"We can do it behind a screen; you wouldn't have to face him." Jake replied.

"I'll do it." She whispered.

"Are you serious?" Jake questioned eagerly.

"I could have died Jake. God knows how many other people have. He needs to be stopped."


"Okay so this is your new home, there will be someone monitoring the cameras in the hall and outside at all times plus there will be a guard posted just here, always, so anything you need you let them know." Jake said placing her suitcase on the bed and pointing out various places to her.

The Honeytrap HeartbreakerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz