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"You didn't say you had so much fucking stuff?"

Ella huffed placing a cardboard box full of books on the kitchen worktop. Jake angrily grabbed the box from the bottom before she had chance the fully put it down.

"Ella you're going to hurt yourself. I can do it, Adam and Nick will be here soon. Please just rest."

"Jake I'm pregnant, not disabled." She said in her best stroppy teenager tone as she walked back to the car to collect another box of Jakes things that were now going to be kept at her apartment.

She was greeted at the car by Adam and Nick who also said she needed to stop carrying things and that she should rest.

She didn't get the big deal, she didn't understand why people treated her so differently because she was pregnant, she was hardly even showing, she knew her own limits and she could still do things for herself.

As she took the next box in, she was starting to get out of puff but she was too proud to let that show to the boys so she wiped the sweat off her brow just before entering. She readjusted the box so it looked like she wasn't struggling as much and overheard them all discussing her like she was a child who needed looking after, she let them continue for another minute or two, saying how she was over doing it and she needed to prioritise differently before she stormed in and slammed the box on the side.

"I might be pregnant, and overdoing it," She said mockingly, "But my ears do fucking work."

She started off her rant so angrily but by the time she had all of the words out she was crying.

Goddamn hormones.

Jake walked over to hug her whilst they all had a giggle at her expense. Ella couldn't get her head around women who said they loved being pregnant, she was having an awful time. The morning sickness was starting to go but now her mood swings were getting worse. She had never cried at so many episodes of The Walking Dead before, she was even starting to feel bad for the walkers.

Jake had stayed over at hers pretty much every night and they decided he should move in officially this weekend, that of course made her cry, which he laughed at which then made her angry and resulted in her crying again. She genuinely had no idea why he would want to move in with her now but being in his arms made everything okay, until she cried again.

Adam ran her a bath and Nick and Jake practically threw her in it whilst they finished bringing in the last of the boxes. Jake had promised to cook dinner for them all, just the thought sent shivers down Ella and Adam's spines but Nick being the ever admirable chef was supervising him in the kitchen the whole time.

Ella came out the bath and made them all cocktails, (virgin for herself) and practised her fake yummy faces with Adam in the living room. Nick was dashing in and out bringing the salad bowl, then the dips, then the sides, then the wraps and it was finally followed by a flushed Jake wearily bringing out a large bowl of chicken fajitas still with his oven gloves on.

They all tucked in and were pleasantly surprised by Jake's cooking although Ella did poke fun at the fact Nick more than likely did most of it.

Adam and Nick stayed for a few more drinks and left before midnight as they all had work in the morning. Jake shown them to the door and as he walked back into the living room Ella was crashed out asleep on the sofa, he scooped her up into his arms and carried her to bed. He pulled the covers up to her shoulders and kissed her on the forehead goodnight. She was only in a light sleep but she didn't wake up, she was so in love with him, she loved the attention he gave her and how he treated her right. She only fell into a deep sleep when he joined her in bed half an hour after cleaning up, pulling her into his chest and telling her he loved her.

The Honeytrap HeartbreakerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant