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She collapsed into bed with a real smile on her face for the first time in ages.

She felt like she had only just shut her eyes when her alarm began piercing her ears. She had to really try to get up. Frankie was lingering at the end of her bed so she called him up and the snuggled for ten minutes until the snooze button woke them again. She knew she really had to get up this time.

She turned on the frying pan and threw in some sausages whilst she quickly showered. This was going to be the second day in a row she turned up hungover for work and she knew she should at least try to look normal; she put on more make up than usual and soaked her sausage sandwich in ketchup.

She headed out on her run with Frankie but could only go about half the distance they usually did before she began panting harder than the dog. Once they got back in she gave Frankie the left over sausages and got dressed for work. She put her lunch into her bag and felt like laughing at the sight of her underwear stuffed in there from the night before, the memories came flooding back to her and she felt a pang in her heart just thinking of Jake. She wondered if he'd remember and if he did, would he call? They had said it was over only a couple of weeks ago but last night was so intense that surely they both knew they needed to be together.

Work was busier than usual especially for a Sunday, at least it felt that way, and she couldn't wait for it to be over so she could go home, have a bath and get a good night's sleep. She didn't stay late like she usually did and when she went running out of the office at half past four; she knew Jenny would make a comment tomorrow morning.

"Ella!" Jenny called as she reached the door.

"I'm in a rush Jenny,"


"What?" She snapped.

"These were sent for you," Jenny said lifting a bouquet of flowers onto the desk.

Ella was confused, flowers were Tom's things, it didn't exactly fill her with confidence, although they weren't roses, Tom only did roses. She rammed the flowers under her arm and caught sight of Jake's writing on the card:

Courtyard Downtown – room 1318.
Be there from 6. J x

Ella looked at the card filled with glee. She was planning on a relaxing night but now this was all she could think about. She knew she wouldn't have time to get home and back for 6 so she headed into Downtown to the gym for a shower.

She stopped at one of the chic boutiques to pick up some new lingerie and figured her work outfit would have to do considering nothing in the boutique looked up to standard for Jake. Plus she didn't know why he wanted to meet, she had a pretty good idea that it would be for sex but she needed to be prepared in case he wanted to meet her to break it off again.

When she arrived at the hotel she went straight to the bar, she needed a drink to take the edge off. She had butterflies while she was waiting, did she really want to get into this again? Could she take it all over again, seeing him with Erin and pretending they weren't together?

Then she heard him at the checkout desk. It was quiet and his voice was one she could pick out in a crowd. She spun to see him, standing at the desk, all tall and handsome and that's when she knew, she didn't care what it took she wanted to be with him.

She waited for the receptionist to hand over the room key and she threw back her drink as he wandered towards the elevator. She joined his side before it reached ground floor. They didn't say anything to each other; they acted like strangers waiting for the elevator to come to ground.

The doors pinged open and Jake held back to let Ella go first, she nodded to him to thank him. As the doors closed shut, Jake dropped his bag to the floor and grabbed Ella's hair to kiss her; he pressed her against the wall of the elevator as he ran his hands through her hair. There was no time for air, they didn't need it, and they only needed each other.

The Honeytrap HeartbreakerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ