Chapter 1

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Once upon a time, a terrible war broke out over 200 years ago. The ancient kingdoms of the Werewolves, Witches, Vampires, Mermaids, Elves, Fairies and other magical creatures caused chaos and destruction because of selfishness, greed, and power. Millions of lives were lost. Until one day a creature, no other rose from the depths of the world's darkest corners. He was a beast that saw our chaos and destruction and used it for his advantage... he was feared throughout the lands and vanquished all who stood in his way.

The kingdoms from absolute destruction and bloodshed saw a truce and formed an alliance to bring peace to the lands with the beast... In exchange, the beast relished in their suffering as he would become king of all creatures. No one was powerful enough to stop him. The only weakness he has was from a stone forged by the gods to kill the beast but even so, the beast destroyed the stone and any traces of it leaving no way for anyone to stand in his way.... Or so it was told...

Nearly 300 years have passed since ancient rulers and knowledge were lost, and a peaceful, less violent world has formed in which magical creatures lived in harmony. The three ruling species stood dominant against others which were the vampires, witches, and werewolf kingdoms. If you're wondering what about humans? humans were seen as weak as they did not possess any magical abilities. We were at the bottom of the food chain...

To understand my story, I must start from the very beginning.

I live in a small district, we have 3 human 'towns' so to say, not too far from the vampire kingdom. Our human town survived together by trading goods and helping as much as we can since many of us are very poor, we keep whatever gold or silver for emergencies. We make do with what we have. Theirs's many human districts but to travel safely we must go through the vampire kingdom and only the wealthy can afford to go. Although there is another route that even magical creatures would not dare to enter that was the dark forest where is said the beast's castle lies deep within. Those who enter never come out.

Now, where was I... oh right, my name is Elaine Kendrick I'm 26 years old, and I have blond hair and blue eyes. When I was young, I grew up in an orphanage until I came of age, I was able to save some money I made from helping Moddy in a nearby bakery. If you're wondering what happened to my family... well, I wish I had the answers myself all I know is I was left in front of the orphanage when I was a baby with a note of my name and a necklace that I have worn every day since.

"Good morning, Ms. Elaine how are you today," Ben the newspaper deliverer said as I locked the door to my home. "Hello, Ben I'm doing lovely today. How's your mother doing?" I ask curiously, recently his mother hasn't been feeling well so I stop by every now and then to help. "She's doing better thanks to you" he blushes as he smiles gently. "That's good to hear, I'll pass by later today with some things for her" he thanks me as continues on his way.

After bidding him farewell I walk to the town square and take in a deep breath of air. I'm greeted by many villagers as I smile at them and continue to go about my day. I then see Moddy "Hello dear how are you today," she asks as she ties her apron around her waist. "I'm doing well how's the baby" I smile at her belly. Moddy and her husband are expecting their second child soon. "Well, you know she's gonna come out kicking this one," she said as I smiled gently.

As I go about my day, I pass by Ben's mother Victoria and make her some tea as I help a bit around the house. "Thank you, I don't know how I can repay you," she says as she sips her tea. "It's not a problem, if you ever need anything please let me know"

After sometime later the sun had set, and the night began to fall. Just as I grab my things, I hear Victoria telling her kids about the legends of the beast but changing it a little to have a happy ending. "And they got married and lived happily ever after," she said as the girls giggled. I smiled at the thought of maybe I too can have little ones one day. "Why don't you stay the sun is beginning to set and who knows what creatures might be lurking..." she said slightly referring to the beast. "Don't worry my house is not too far from here I'll be just fine" I wave goodbye and continue to my small home on the edge of our town.

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