Chapter 12

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Leonardo's P.O.V

I need to go faster.

Soaring through the sky and diving deep into the ice water to see my precious princess floating. The spirit of death about to claim her body before trembling from my wrath if they would to touch her... to touch what's mine. I placed a barrier around her once again and arose from the water into the air having my wings spread wide,

"Breathe" I hear her coughing as I hold her tightly "you are safe now" I whisper as I use the sun-heat spell to warm and dry her. "L-Leonardo... is it really you?" she looked at me with glistening eyes, Oh, how I missed her voice

I gently smile at her as I run my fingers threw her soft long hair, "take me home" she whispered as she held me tightly closing her eyes as she placed her head on my shoulders.

*In Leonardo's castle*

I watched her sleep peacefully but rather then sit afar I used my body heat to continue to warm her as I lay in bed with her, I closed my eyes as I listened to the sound of her beating heart... its been centuries that I felt peace, I truly thought that my death will bring me peace but thankfully I was wrong.... She brought me piece... she tamed the beast inside me.

She tosses in her sleep before her eyes gracefully open, "I missed you" she spoke softly she brought her body closer to mine, I gently wrapped my arms around her, for a moment we paused as we stared deep into each others eyes.

Since the don of time I have never craved for someone the way I crave her... I have never longed for the need of someone else.... Until I met her... she has changed me, caused me to feel and for that I am thankful because without her I wouldn't be able to cherish such a divine woman to be by my side.

"What are you thinking about?" she questions as I gaze upon her delicate features. She smiled gently as she knew the answer. "I will never let anything happen to you" I say as I hold her close.

Suddenly Elaine begins to scream in pain as she removed the covers off her body and looks at her arm. I hold her using my powers to stop the pain immediately. "W-What is that" she looks at me as she sees a number on her wrist....

"The curse that Kelia casted on you using dark magic..." I said as she looked at it...

"Am I going to die?" she asks softly as a dark growl is rippled through my chest holding her body close to mine. She snuggles into my body as moments later I find myself drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

Elaine's P.O.V

I watch him breathe in and out peacefully as I move his hair out of his face...


As I woke, I felt a large body holding me tightly I felt myself let out a deep breath of happiness knowing it was Leonardo who was next to me.

"Good morning my love" his deep voice rumbled as I smiled looking at him. he then lifted me causing me to gasp "Leonardo what are you doing" I stutter slightly as he walked towards the enchanted bathroom opening the door and closing it behind us using his magic.

I looked around once again in awe the bathroom was magnificent it reflected the outside weather as it appeared as though the sun was beginning to rise as the colours reflected off the water, their was clouds of different shades of pink and soap bubbles floating around and was most captivating was the beautiful waterfall in the center flowing into the beautiful pool.

I had not noticed until I turned to see Leonardo my face became red as I immediately turned away. "Leonardo" I gasped shielding my eyes with my hands. Taking a quick peek, he walks passed me as I stare at his large muscular body going into the large pool of water until his bottom half is now fully submerged and not visible. He closed his eyes and breathed in and out deeply relaxing.

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