Chapter 10

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I was awoken by the sound of people chattering outside my sleeping chambers. As I get up slowly, I begin to remember all that has happened along with ben. That's when I freeze when I heard a certain voice. I gasp it sounds like ben! I immediately pried the door apart to find no one standing in the hall.

I feel a sudden sadness... I just wished it was him.

I go back to the room and wear the gown that was left for me. "Good morning your ladyship the king will be seeing you shortly in the breakfast hall," a maid said as she instructed me to follow her. As I walked down the hall, I noticed someone who seemed to be following us... could it be... I stop in my tracks and see him get startled, but he hides quickly.

I then begin to run after him as he tries to speed away from me. "Get back here!" I yell as I find myself standing in a large garden. I see the people back turned before me. "Let me see your face" I demand as he turns slowly. My heart skips a beat as I gasp loudly covering my mouth as tears roll down my cheeks.

"I disgust you" I immediately run to him hugging him tightly before he could say another word. "I'm so glad your alive," I say as I hug him tighter.

"What happened to you I watched you die," I say still holding him. "I-I did..." he said as I looked at his face and gasped "they turned me..." he said as my heartfelt pain.... "But you're alive..." I said smiling brushing a hair out of his face... he smiled as I hugged him once again.

He began to speak to me about all that's happened. Since I was pushed into the forest and vanished, he was turned into a vampire just as he was bitten. He has been training ever since to control his urges to feed. He also told me that once a human gets turned their physical features change depending on the person, he turned to look a little older than I am and become much taller.

Suddenly before we can finish Ben jumped away from me. "Your majesty," he said as I felt angrier. "My dearest queen I see you have found your old friend... I hope the changes are to your liking" he smirks as my nose scrunches from disgust I impulsively walk up to him and smack him across his face having his head turn slightly. Everyone stood frozen, Sebastian simply holds a straight look as he raises his hand all the guards along with ben left without a word closing the door behind them. Leaving him and I alone. His face wrinkles in anger as he grabs my jaw with his hand as he walks having me stumble with each step. We knock over a few pieces of glass causing them to break "If you ever do that again I will hurt you" he threatens.

"I'm not afraid of you," I say as he throws me to the ground. "You will be" ....

Later that day I was forced to be with Sebastian, he didn't want me out of his sight. My mind went to Leonardo about what he must be feeling now. I touched my necklace as I looked out the window. "My dear doesn't look so sad... I was going to show you later tonight a gift I had made for you the moment I laid my eyes on you, but I've decided to give it to you now" he said as he guided me to a room. The guards open the door as the light shines through the room.

I let out a gasp as I see a crimson red dress. "Isn't it just magnificent, I do hope it's to your liking" he said kissing my hand, I begin to feel an arising fear... "I-It's l-lovely" I try to keep myself from violently shaking...

He smiled in satisfaction as he held me close to him, he was cold and heartless, unlike Leo... Leo was warm and .... Leo, I wish he was here...

Suddenly I feel his nails digging into my arms I let out a scream as I see his crimson eyes... "I've been waiting to drink your delectable blood" he then shows his fangs I let out a scream as I begin to struggle. "NO! LET ME GO!" I scream as he pierces my skin, he lets a groan of pain and pleasure as I feel him drinking my blood. My body begins to grow weak suddenly a bright light like before it's released as he gets sent flying across the room. "delicious" he said as I fall to my knees, I look to see blood dripping from his arm and face... but not my blood, it was his.

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